Kunai_Hanaki - Profile



LV 1
2021-04-23 Joined Global

Moments 3


I can actually see the injuries and imagine how they look like :<

She stood there, chains and all, with her tiny carry bag at her feet, she gives it a small kick in boredom. "Here." I go to try and free her from the chains, but before I could she walked quite a distance back. Almost like she didn't want to be free. "Please, allow me to..." "NO!" she cried her eyes tightly closed. "No need to yell Angelica." Her eyes widen realizing that she raised her voice. A tear ran down her check. I watched absolutely baffled as her kneeled down, then bent over arms crossed on top of each other and butt in the air. "Please master, have mercy." she whispered in her tears. "Stand up." I ordered her. As she did so with a more confused look than what I have ever seen. I place my hands on her shoulders and faced her back towards me. I lifted the back of her shirt only to see, the wounds are swollen, scars some open others so bad its protruded passed her skin, mixture of the dried blood, yellowish brown scabbing and bruised scaring. I place her shirt back down and I turn her back around and roll up her sleeves as I do a crimson red starts dripping from her small doll like hands. Her arms are scared as well. "An angel like you deserves no place in a hell hole like that, I can assure you punishments will not be given or even thought about. If anyone but me touches you in any harmful way you are to report it straight to me or Michael understood? Go get cleaned up the bathroom is that way" I say, I point in the direction of the bathroom, trying to hide my furiousness towards that bastard who dared to hurt her. I take the chains off releveling her bruised wrists. A mixture of blue and a deep purple.



Urban · Casey


"almost like the wind didn't wish to disturb her" The imagery of this 💔

Several mintues later Rebecca and the angel walk out. "Rebecca, Im sorry" my brother Michael whispered in her ear and he embraced her. "Sir, there is simply no need to aplogize. Not to me anyway. In any case you've helped us greatly" she says as her face turns to the angel next to her. Her head hung low. The chains around her wrists hanging dead still, almost like the wind didn't wish to disturb her. She walks towards me. "My lord, I am Angelica, use me as you wish for I am now your faithful servant." she says bluntly to me. Almost like she's rehearsed these lines over and over. Her face still to the ground while her hair is hanging covering her face. I raise my hand to her check. She filches as my hands make contact with her cold skin. I put her hair behind her ear and take my index under her chin to raise her face to mine. "Quite a fitting name, please call me Sebastian." I say as I give her a smirk. She returns mine with a faint smile her icy blue emotionless eyes, still staring at her feet. "I perfer sir." she says again bluntly with absolutely no emotion in her voice.



Urban · Casey


Runt of the family? I can't help but imagine Sebastian silently fuming at this unless Mr Willows is joking around xD

I slowly retreat from the window, and return to the others. "Sir, we need your signature in order to confirm the transaction." Said my brother Michael, he has had his eye for Rebecca since she was found and finally Mr. Willows allowed him to take her, for a price of course (the sadistic old man). "Fine, I shall but before we do, why don't we double the price and ill allow the runt of the family, your brother chose anyone he wishes." he gestured to me, before I could decline SHE came to mind. "Anyone?" I Question. He nodded in response and seamed quite proud of himself. Mr. Willows was in his early 40s a bit to old to have the girls he does (in my opinion). He hands me a folder of all the pictures of his girls. Of course there was one I was looking for in specific. My brother who knew me well, knew I was looking for her. "Her." My brother and I say in sync. He knew I admired her from afar but little did he know she was a victim of his. "No, I'm sorry I cant give her away. She's a problem. You don't want her," He pulls up his sleeve to reveal a bite mark, still fresh. "she's a nutter." "If she is as bad as you say so, then I don't see why you should deal with a such a problem. Allow us to take her off your hands as well as Rebecca." My brother replies. Mr Willows almost in regret agrees and we go to the waiting room for them.



Urban · Casey

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