Hiya ❤️
Butch Returns
Anime & Comics · dancematdan
Looks to lab 😅
And for some reason, the requirements to actually unlock the pack was to buy both a lot of Dragon cards and a lot of cards with girls in the artwork. Which was… incredibly strange really. But then again, the waifu archetype these days are competent enough to be rogue.
Anime & Comics · Pandora_Jail
Hiya 💙
A heartfelt gift
Video Games · Unusual_
Just shoto things
"Tired, like Aizawa-sensei. Coffee addiction, like Aizawa-sensei. They spend time together after school." She nods her head, happy with what she's observed today. She looks at her dorm building, hesitating for a moment before sighing heavily and moving to continue following the indigo haired boy. "Izuku gives his all to analyzing quirks. How can I be his future wife if I don't give it my all to ensuring everyone knows that Hitoshi Shinso is Aizawa-sensei's secret love child?"
Anime & Comics · Nartleb
Hiya ❤️
"Painful truths"
Anime & Comics · Ciel_Best_Waifu
Hiya 💙
Moving Preemptively
Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029
Hiya 💙
Hiya 💙
The Flag Was Raised
Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads
Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029