waterlily646 - Profile


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2021-08-03 Joined Global

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Slowly she became aware of her surroundings and she had a constant beeping sound. Evelyn quickly knew what it was and almost felt the relief wash over her before she opened her eyes. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


he* wondered first guy went* ahead

By the looks of it she wondered how the first guy you went ahead and fainted without giving anything to Michelle. The men would have purposely injected adrenaline shots to keep everyone alive until he got what you wanted. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


keep her*(?)

"You want to talk about my tail?" Salvatore scoffed but did not look away from his father. "What is it that you want to know? I did not keep for the white room making sure that she has gone fucking crazy and rape her to your hearts content? Or the fact that I switched her daily supplements to antidepressants?" 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me



"I have to go back to my wife," Salvatore grinned before stepping back and working out of the house. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


time leaving her*

Even though he had a hard time believing her waiting was only going to give him an insane mind. So, he had left Dante with her. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


Evelyn's* disappearance

Those attacks had surprisingly decreased and evidence disappearance was something that it could be connected with but he was refusing to do so. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


any attack *

Angelo threw the cloth next to him before staring pointedly at his son. "Think of it this way, I have not had any talk in my house for more than 25 years, almost thirty I would say." 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


heartbeat is*

"Heartbeats are a little slow,'' the man muttered under his breath before he stepped forward with His Evelyn in his arms. "But not close enough to dying." 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


smell *

A pale faced Evelyn, and not to mention the stinking smell smell from her. It was enough to tell him the conditions that she was in. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


hit* everyone

No one came in front of him when he entered the building because his men had successfully held every one and only bodies were piled on the floor. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


feet *

Before he knew it, Salvatore was on his teeth and marching into the room. The men that were with him slid around him making a barricade for anyone that wanted to come across. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


once they are done*

"Almost all men are down," Michelle answered, "theirs. Once they ordered we are going to do a clean sweep of the place." 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


5 men remained*

He could feel the frustration building in. Only 5 min remained behind to protect his ass that did not need anything. The rest of the men moved inside for Evelyn and the constant sound of gunshots made him miss the action for the first time. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


the* last bit of strength

The way Evelyn talked she was definitely dying and that was probably The Last of strength that she had. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


than it needed*

It took him seconds to fall down and as they had expected we fell down right at the entrance. That was enough to cause the motion but was certainly not quick enough because it was still taking more time than if needed. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


he fell down*

It took him seconds to fall down and as they had expected we fell down right at the entrance. That was enough to cause the motion but was certainly not quick enough because it was still taking more time than if needed. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


popped out* like they expected*

Another person popped in and like it they expected he stopped shortly at the door as if trying to figure out where the previous men went. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


check where*

They looked around before stepping on the gravel to check whether noise was coming from and just as they came near the car a bullet was shot right between their eyes killing them instantly. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me


before they knew it*

They heard allowed noise as if wheels were churning at a slow pace and before the new with the metal door opened and two men stepped out. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me



"On it," he heard Michelle say and before they knew it, a sniper bullet shot through the class of a car. 

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

Urban · Inara_Me

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