Anliriel_Mulero - Profile



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2021-09-16 Joined Global

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Moments 631

Replied to HerRoyalReader

Yeah Lilo and Stitch

Having heard her Host's internal speculation, Sylph was about to admonish him for wanting to hurt someone who helped him…before she looked at his memories of Amira. Everything about the backwards monster, from her appearance to the things she said, made the Spirit's skin crawl, so she deemed it unnecessary to save the abomination from Kevin's wrath. Besides, if he was right about her nature as what he called a 'plot device,' then it's not like he could even kill her in the first place.

Monster Girl Quest: Eeveelution

Monster Girl Quest: Eeveelution

Video Games · unfortunateGambler



All of this blood for so little, he almost shuddered, and the thought that this would have been done to him if he had been captured, and if he got captured, this would happen and so much worse. Blood wasn't going to be the only thing to be extracted.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



As it grew it created more matter and energy than it consumed increasing its growth further breaking several laws of physics such as the First, Second, and their law of Thermodynamics, it broke the entire notion of entropy by its mere existence.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



And then it started to fall slowly, large scarlet droplets by large droplets showing that the drainage had begun and it wasn't going to end now. Seconds turned to minutes that turned into a full hour where litter upon liter of blood was drawn out to the point the cylinder was full.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003


Now that I think about it Xenomorphs are always refer as bugs correct? And predators almost never fight head on with Xenomorphs because of they're acid. However if we take into consideration of today bugs.....we would be looking at a absolute beast of a creature. Some bugs can withstand a nuke while others have crazy defence that would put a Ankylosaurus to shame and some are strong enough to lift heavier things than themselves. I do believe that's why Predators have sharp weapons with some being somewhat more resistant than acid, it's simply suice going head on with a Xenomorph.

'Well I can't do that in this form since it's the infant form but I can still create and manipulate black acid and I can't mass create that slime shit they use for their nest but it's white and red mixed ' he said within his head. he spun around in the vent before moving along within the vent 'Jesus I gave this thing so many fucking abilities that I don't even remember them all! Eh, let's see we have telepathy uh element immunity. Damn more than that as well I'm sure it has retard strength as well!'

Reincarnated As The God Of The Xenomorphs

Reincarnated As The God Of The Xenomorphs

Fantasy · Mochi_Bats


I have a question............. Where's Alduin? Where's My dragon god?

With the screams of millions of players, everyone felt their blood boil, and unbeknownst to them, the Oasis system was calculating the players' enthusiasm and generating results for the first invisible battle between Horde and Alliance.



Movies · NunuXD


And the dragons, don't forget about the godlike dragons


Those games were Skyrim, which despite being singleplayer, had a very vast, extensive and immersive world, with a wide variety of ways to play and a lot of magic and battle skills to develop, something that Alex loved very much, since being able to play as a knight who summoned swords of magic, but who also knew how to make potions, enchantment, forge, and several other things at the same time was incredible.



Movies · NunuXD


Okay so no Ikran?

Too bulky, too slow, not adaptable, not maneuverable enough, and defenseless against a swarm of stingbats. And a plethora of other things he didn't like and wanted for his personal future mode of transport.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



The baby with brown eyes looked at him with great fascination which he responded with a simple wave of his hand. This baby was one of the war orphans and he knew whose son he was. And the father was Miles Quaritch, he didn't know how to feel about that.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



War affected everyone and its consequences revealed who people truly are.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



'Hmm, it seems Katherine has a problem with a bunch of stupid teens…', he suddenly frowned, his pupils dilating and contracting in irregular patterns.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



"Nothing, I'm just built differently. On another note, how is your relationship with the ex-Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya going? I don't judge you, but wasn't he one of your students?", Liam asked with a thin knowing smile, he was nigh 'omniscient' so to say, so he knew plenty.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



It went smoothly the breath of potential death in their neck being a very good motivator for anyone that wasn't suicidal or moronic like the one who tried to flee by running in a straight line and gaining an arrow in her head. 

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



The confusion started to mix with panic, and a few started feeling fear that turned to horror when they understood the base was hacked, fully compromised from the ground up. It didn't make much sense but it was one of the only options other than a complete failure of every system.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003


From the Ashes comes life

"We have won.", Liam added right after with no true joy in his voice, there was still immense relief as if a pressure that was almost crushing him was lifted from his shoulder however but this wasn't a pleasant victory.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003



'It's easy… So incredibly easy. It's like hunting but without the joy and satisfaction that comes with it...', Liam thought, the first human lives he took made him feel nothing but apathy and a small amount of discontentment toward the former.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003


Not gonna lie I'm actually wondering just how to they procreate? I mean they're close to humans in biologically, well somewhat, and I think they would do it the same way? I'm not sure that's all I can think off, I'm wondering what other people think they mate.

A very important and dangerous aspect of their culture that needs great preparation and one that even affects where and when mothers should give birth which is also affected by simple deduction when the act of procreation must happen. Even if he knew they were good at using various methods of contraception.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003


I'm just imagining now just giving the rider the middle finger 🤣🤣


It wasn't for the Lost Child defense in particular but for the two foreign tsakarems. Akwey hadn't forgotten how this man stopped and flipped a hunter riding his charging mount with no visible effort. It was imprinted in his memory.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003

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