Her kingdom, along with her family was cruelly snatched from her hands at a young age. The Captain of the Guard, being the only survivor working for the Royal family, decided to mold her into a weapon to fight for her kingdom.
"With her powerful starlight magic and outstanding strength, she can take back her kingdom and protect our people" the Captain thought.
But he was wrong. Eleven years after her kingdom's downfall, all Starla thinks about is living a care - free life, free from responsibilities.
She knows that she is a coward for abandoning her kingdom, a very big one at that.
Her mindset changed after seeing the suffering of her people. She vowed to take revenge and take responsibility of her kingdom.
The Queen of Starlight was born.
Wow! Nice read! I love it even with its faults. Keep writing. Can't wait.
Fantasy · andie_xx