i don't like Sei
"No, I want to come with you," said Sei firmly. He didn't want a second or third turn in a situation like this, Sei had trust issues with everyone.
Urban · AmaneDian
I think Sei is not the father of the babies
Meanwhile, there was a tense air between Sei and Hiruzen. Hiruzen feels disappointed with Sei. Hiruzen, who thinks Sei is an adult, seems to be wrong. Sei doesn't match Hiruzen's previous expectations, according to Hiruzen. Sei is a man who wants to be responsible.
Urban · AmaneDian
Kebawa perasaan pas baca ni cerita. Authornya pinter banget menuliskan kisah si tokoh utama yang tegar. Agak greget sih sama sikapnya yang terlalu baik, semangat update ya thor
It's more interesting when Ken's secret is revealed. Let's continue to update the latest chapter, it's very exciting and full of plot twists. I also wish James would be a little sweeter to Selena
Bagus banget jalan ceritanya, ini keren banget sih. Ala-ala yang ada di anime JJK, cuman aku ga bilang ini plagiat loh tapi kesan kekuatannya itu mirip. Tapi pribadi aku setuju kalo cerita ini tuh diadaptasi jadi manhwa
Latar belakang dunia masih belum dijelaskan dengan terperinci, tapi sepertinya penggambaran tentang perkembangan zaman dan sistem kehidupan yang ada di dalam cerita sudah sangat bagus. romansa juga diberikan dengan baik serta menarik
I hate Eijiro, he really is an annoying alpha. he hurt Katsuki's feelings and blamed Katsuki. please make Shouki Katsuki's lover [img=update]
if i be Katsuhi, i maybe do same too
Katsuhi was astonished. "Babies?" She asked Shouken.
Who is my baby's father?
Urban · AmaneDian