Leviathan_01 - Profile



LV 2

The ink blots over the page. My thoughts leak into the world and create a tragedy.

2022-06-16 Joined United Kingdom

Badges 7

Moments 95

Replied to Kooshtastic

thanks for the comment, I originally had it as a bracelet then read about dark elves wat paint and markings in a dnd campaign and thought I'd try this approach!

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Replied to trickster_

Thanks for reading!

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Replied to trickster_

the number will increase with every job rank, so apprentice > novice > fledgling . I wanted a way to control his ability from just being a collect em all simulator and more of something that grew with him as his own skills as a mercenary leader did. starting with 5 felt like a good size. I hope you enjoy future chapters!

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Replied to Yack6

As it is only a fraction of the sin, the effect isn't as drastic as the original owner. (Notice how she almost killed Claire just for getting close to his body in another dimension.) -- For me Envy is closer towards jealousy, slightly missing this viewpoint. -- I will look more into those issues once he gets closer to them emotionally, currently he isn't in love with anyone yet (even Claire.) Maybe I can look into the extremities of Envy once he develops deeper feelings for them. (although the reasons for him not caring has a logical reason and you will find out after the next few chapters!) I appreciate your input greatly!

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Replied to Celestial_Chaos24

It will be quite a large harem, with a set of Main wives, followed by concubines who are still important and get screen time. (Almost everyone who remembers their lives will be part of the harem.) Not sure about incest, however, won't completely rule it out until the very end! Thanks for reading

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Replied to Celestial_Chaos24

This novel won't be dropped, I just had a large plot Point next and taking time writing the drafts and planning properly and posting a few chapters for my other novels so they are all roughly the same number of chapters released, thank you for reading!

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Replied to Empyrium

Will check it out when I get home, super hot day and overtime work the grind continues. Have a great day!

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Replied to Empyrium

You are like a prophet, the intended idea is along those lines with slight differences as too order. I will try to keep spoilers limited but most of the points will be explored, some more deeply than others possible along with why he was chosen as a god for 'humans' as a demon/dark elf and the true reason the empire calls them 'lesser pagan gods.' With a moderate timeskip (1-2 years) after volume 2! As always thank you for you valued input the author dearly appreciates it!

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Replied to Empyrium

I dont really like the katana, but will keep it in the table going forward.

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Replied to Empyrium


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Replied to Kayden_Duhaney

Thanks for reading! I'll try to keep the quality just as high aiming for better if possible.

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Replied to Daoist92VPav

around chapter 15/16 roughly, I don't want to rush them really sorry ;; Thanks for reading

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Replied to Empyrium

Will try to improve my grammar and mistakes as much as possible, having trouble finding them myself, so I apologise for the decreased reading enjoyment.

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Replied to Empyrium

Thank you for the input, could you please elaborate as my writing aid doesn't list anything off and I cannot see the mistakes myself?

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