F2d24 - Profile


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2022-08-11 Joined Global

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Replied to Ghain_Smoker

yes but if its as long as he desires then couldnt he have it just active for forever and never have the cooldown?

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Replied to Kasuo

i mean to be fair one of them is completely covered in rotting human skin

He immediately jumped into the moat; the skeletons followed along, and together they huddled under the metal bridge. Jay put his disgust at touching the skeletons aside and huddled with them.

My Necromancer Class

My Necromancer Class

Fantasy · Aero182


many skeletons not money skeletons

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Skeleton Rebirth

Skeleton Rebirth

Fantasy · Oaks_lad


Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country localised entirely inside your dungeon?

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i think theres a mixup or something this chapter is the 2. half of chapter 2 instead of a new chapter 3

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This review is after chapter 1 so everything that is still an unknown (lile story development, character design, update stability. . .)is rated with 3 stars. This is more for the author as feedback and recommendations instead of future readers. The writing quality is top. I wasnt able to notice a single mistage so if there where any mistakes at all (and i doubt that) then they are so minute that they dont realy matter (for me at least) since they dont disturb the flow of reading so without a doubt 5 stars for that. Ok now recommandations for possible (hopefully) future chapters. I hope the "system" part is going to be more of a side thing where only major things are written down and that its brought up not to often like other stories where at chapter 12 you have to scroll over 5 pages to go past stats and skills like "eating lvl 23" or "butt-clenching lvl 13" and or that its used as a cheap way for character growth where the MC doesnt realy do anything and suddenly knows more then a master wizard because "skills". Its usually more rewarding if in my opinion the MC has to realy dedicate themself instead of getting it handed on a silver platter. Whats also important is that he doesnt become a naive idiot or just an arrogant asshole (because muh strength) And last but not least avoiding powercreep and at the same time not just making the MC stronger and all enemies as well (if the MC is twice as strong bit so are all or most enemies nothing realy changed) What is already great to see is that the MC seems balanced. Hes competend but not a one god army (gets shot by a soldier he didnt see) he is seemingly caring but not to the point where it doesnt make sense (he looks after his comeades but doesnt decide to go to a world he doesnt know just to save people he doesnt know) and its great to see that its hinted that he has his own will and tries to make his own future by choosing the 3rd option that hints to more of an open world for the MC instead of being a glorified delivery guy that just gets sent wherever by gods. Sorry if this review/feedback seems presumptuous its just that there are so many stories that start great or good and then at chapter 100 you ask yourself "why am i even reading this". This isnt meant in any way to discourage, the foundation looks great, im looking forwards to further chapters and good luck and have fun.

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