Webnovel Author: TheKnightOfDark - Fanfic Collection



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Embark on a journey into the enigmatic realm of TheKnightOfDark. This name conjures images of a brave knight, fearlessly venturing into the unknown.

2022-08-27 Joined Global

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Replied to oppaidaisuke_69

Haha, I keep forgetting their ranks. I should look it up and make a note of it. That way, I won’t forget the ranks in the Army and the Navy. So, the rank should be ‘Seaman Recruit’, right? I’ll be making adjustments later on, aiming to correct the rankings of each soldier.

"No, I am not the captain. I am merely a private. But you will meet him soon enough," the figure replied as the platform continued to ascend. Within a few seconds, they reached the top deck of the vessel. Looking around, they were awestruck by the sheer size of the ship from the deck. It was truly a sight to behold.

Summoning the Empire

Summoning the Empire

Others · TheKnightOfDark

Replied to shalvot

The Solstice Empire’s wealth is primarily due to their gold Production and reserves. They maintain this to meet demand and ensure their value doesn’t decrease. The extreme wealth is not because I wanted them to have a lot of money, but because I’ve set the economic scale of Earth higher. For instance, in this world where Christine has yet to be transported to the new world and is still on earth, the United States has around 500 Trillion GDP, and almost all countries have already reached a GDP of 300 to 400 trillion. The value of the Solstice Currency is connected to our current year's gold value. The existence of magic items is due to the Trinity and a cyber invasion during the conquest event. Although I didn’t mention this event in the story, thinking it unnecessary, it led to the creation of a world item that blocks anyone without a license from using magic, and yes almost all NPC's does have license. Most of the NPCs are summoned, and custom settings can be applied before summoning. When you expand in the game, you won’t find these NPCs. Instead, you’ll encounter enemy NPCs if the territory is already conquered by other players. If the territory is yet to be conquered by any player, you’ll encounter monsters. The level of these monsters varies depending on the specific territory being expanded into. The NPCs have absolute loyalty, inspired by Overlord, where their NPCs had absolute loyalty to their creators. However, there are exceptions. Some NPCs, like the Custodians and Imperial Guardians/Imperial Guards (numbering 10,201), are created by the players and will be introduced in future chapters. They would obey orders to the point of self-sacrifice or harming a loved one. They view their creators as gods or beings higher than gods. However, they may question a course of action, not out of disrespect, but to ensure it’s the right action. The Solstice Empire is an absolute monarchy because I wanted it to have an imperial member. This prevents new world countries from looking down on them for being ruled by a commoner. Almost all countries in the New World are monarchies. I hope this provides clearer answers to your questions. Please note that English is not my first language, so there may be some nuances that I might have missed.

ch 0 7 Chapter 7: The Lourian Massacre (Part 1)

Summoning the Empire

Summoning the Empire

Others · TheKnightOfDark

Replied to Hippster

Get it? Rammed.

Breweye added, "There was some battle damage. They reported that the paint on their dreadnought was scratched when they rammed into the Lourian vessels."

Summoning the Empire

Summoning the Empire

Others · TheKnightOfDark

Replied to DgLiza_Awang

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It appears that autocorrect has intervened once again. I will make the necessary corrections at the earliest opportunity. Furthermore, regarding the king’s name, its usage is intentional. This is because I have sourced the names from a wiki.

Yagou took a deep breath before beginning. "Yes, it's quite serious. You see, our neighboring country, Lauria, located to the west of Gim near our country's border, is mobilizing troops. It appears we will soon be at war with Lauria."

Summoning the Empire

Summoning the Empire

Others · TheKnightOfDark

Replied to DrawdethePotato

If you prefer, I still have the original script for this section. I can update it with the original version if you’d like. Original: Midori signaled his companion to report their encounter to HQ. He understood the importance of notifying the higher-ups about this startling encounter.

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Summoning the Empire

Summoning the Empire

Others · TheKnightOfDark

Replied to Akindofmonster

Hello, I want to assure you that this work is entirely my own creation. However, I did seek assistance for revisions in certain parts. I’ve intentionally indicated these sections so it’s clear that they have been revised with the help of an AI

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Summoning the Empire

Summoning the Empire

Others · TheKnightOfDark

Replied to

I sought assistance with some revisions in this story. However, rest assured, this story is entirely my own creation. A few sections were revised with the help of an AI. I’ve purposely added these parts to transparently show which sections received AI assistance.

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Summoning the Empire

Summoning the Empire

Others · TheKnightOfDark

Replied to Cosmic_Horror

The Empire upholds a tradition of using battleships and dreadnoughts, despite the modern world favoring aircraft carriers. These are no ordinary battleships. They come equipped with advanced plasma cannons and will soon feature a weapon similar to a wave motion cannon. These battleships are colossal, about six times the size of real-world battleships, giving them a resemblance to the gigantic space battleships often depicted in science fiction. They also have the ability to launch aircraft from the rear, merging the offensive power of a battleship with the versatility of an aircraft carrier. What sets these battleships apart is their advanced magical defense barrier. This barrier can withstand any non-magical attack or magic that isn’t powerful enough. It would take a spell of at least the 9th tier to even crack this barrier, making these battleships nearly impregnable. Another unique feature is their ability to float. While they are not yet equipped for space travel, that is a capability that will be added soon. This combination of features makes the battleships a formidable force, both offensively and defensively.

Christine then turned her attention to Eldarion Aerendyl. "Eldarion, I would like to hear your report next," she requested. Eldarion, following the protocol, bowed and rose to his feet. "Yes, Your Majesty. Regarding the army, we might need additional equipment, more main battle tanks, and a few more command control vehicles, as our current fleet is somewhat limited. As for the navy, Lucas Brennett informed me that we might need a few more battleships and dreadnoughts. I believe an addition of about 20 more battleships and 5 more dreadnoughts should suffice," Eldarion reported.

Summoning the Empire

Summoning the Empire

Others · TheKnightOfDark

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