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2022-11-10 Joined Global

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Replied to Evan_L

I can off the Top of my head come up with 2 ways to the American throne. 1. Your seem to not want your character to be involved in the revolutionary war( In my opinion a bad Idea if you want a character to have enough power to change America early on). So I would do this First is try to improve the lives of the colonies get your name out there for people to read about and see. Next when the colonies need support And seek friends In Europe for the conflict. Specifically a marriage with either a Bourbons( ruling Dynasty of France or a close branch house.) A Bourbon from Spain( Just switched Dynasty's from the Habsburgs to the new Bourbons Dynasty.) Or A Hohenzollern Rulers of Prussia(A rising great power that beaten the Austrians a number of times at this point you could offer them British Hanover land in the HRE. It also helps that one of the men to train Washington's army was Prussian). He will have To play secret politics hear it needs to be stated not by him but the country the support comes from their needs to at least be a constitutional Monarch on the American Throne after the war, He also needs to be the one leading the army when they get back to the colonies. Then he's the hero that saved the colonies in their darkest hour, This way the most backlash would come not from the states but the people trying to set up the national government. Which we know would have ended up being one of the weakest central governments of it's time. seeing as the states had enough power to to almost break the country. So the states won't care because their situation won't change much. Since the national government was meant to be weak I see many not caring if there is a constitutional monarch and he will be a well liked one. 2. The Washington route. Which is participate in the war to win glory renown while also trying to improve the lives of the colonies You get war hero status while the colonies will love you. Next try to secure a royal marriage with the British in the peace talks(The Hanover's in the peace talks to smooth relations and keep the colonist close to their home land threw there monarch as you don't see this war fostering bad blood between The two just different interest.) Or the French to secure royal backing in Europe you could Also offer them their Canadian colonies back. The political situation wouldn't much change but it could be in the British interest to keep the Characters Dynasty sitting the throne. Both of these scenarios make up for a better geo-political situation as We could see him try to increase his power as well as his government with him. A isolationist America would make for a very boing story because it forces you into the situation of the only road to go down is a long volume of nation building closing you off from different situations scenarios to explore.

ch 17 Chapter 17 Death to Taxes

Son of Franklin

Son of Franklin

History · HydroG3


I will be honest I find the economic king route the most boring. Not because it's a bad story but because it's the one that has the least change to actual history. All I see down the economic route is a rich guy that helped America become as great as it already will end up being. At least if he was king then we would see and actual change to not only the American political climate but the central and south America as well as the European one. A monarchal America could lead to no French revaluation. The continuation of gran Colombia. No rise of Napoleon. Think of this if he went for the crown we could see a war even after the Revolutionary one. A war between Republicans and Monarchist(I really just want to see a truly explored alt history America. What if disgraced nobility tried to find a foot hold in young America that type of stuff true change.) That is why I feel the Economic king route is boring because it brings about the least amount of interesting change. No matter how rich his word could never have a impact of a nation at large. If you try to solve Americas social problems early sure they would be changed early but it would have happened any ways. Industrialization would happen. The slavery question would happen. women's rights would happen. Your righting a good story and I wish you the best of luck but I think this is were I stop. I don't see this story being interesting pass the revolutionary war. Other than trying to speed run democratic Americas problems.

ch 17 Chapter 17 Death to Taxes

Son of Franklin

Son of Franklin

History · HydroG3

Replied to CrazyDemon23

Thank you for explaining and keep up the good work.

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The Lost Returned

The Lost Returned

TV · CrazyDemon23

Replied to CrazyDemon23

Ya I understand I didn't mean for that to sound like they make worse swords, because I new they make better quality of swords just wondering if that was the only types of weapons they used. Re-reading what I put I understand if it sounded like that though.

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The Lost Returned

The Lost Returned

TV · CrazyDemon23

Replied to CrazyDemon23

Hey Its no problem, and another questions does all of his personal forces use katana like swords or no. Because are katanas cool yes practical no. The way those swords are made make it difficult for them to take hits head on like knight swords do. They cut better yes but they lose out in durability and stopping power. If one was to clash with a standard knight sword especially one made of castle forged steel like most swords in Westeros are, it is incredibly likely to be damaged or break over the span of the confrontation. Against people like the Crabfeeder who's men are under equipped I can understand. But against the forces and knights of Westeros that usually have armor ranging from chain mail to full plate (leaning more towards the latter). the blunt damage and durability is extremely helpful in damaging and getting past those defenses. And please do not take me bring this up as me trying to make you feel bad or saying the story is bad(When its not!)! I am just kind of sick of katanas from over saturation and have always leaned more towards duel edged swords.

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The Lost Returned

The Lost Returned

TV · CrazyDemon23

Replied to Fusix

And I did not mean for that to sound rude or anything, it was just small detail that doesn't really take away from the story. Your still doing a great job.

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The Lost Returned

The Lost Returned

TV · CrazyDemon23

Replied to CrazyDemon23

Yes their house color is green. But the name "The Greens" is used to recognize the faction that supported Alicent during the dance, and if you are going off of the show isn't given that specific name until Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding.

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The Lost Returned

The Lost Returned

TV · CrazyDemon23


Question why did she say greens when they don't even exist yet, and keep up the good work.

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The Lost Returned

The Lost Returned

TV · CrazyDemon23

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