ojosqadra2 - Profile


LV 1
2023-01-03 Joined United States

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Moments 21


Are they watching Gattaca?

It was an old subtitled foreign film about a future where humans could be genetically engineered. A man conceived naturally who had fraudulently assumed the identity of a perfectly engineered specimen to achieve his dream of going to space.

Devotion [BL]

Devotion [BL]

LGBT+ · sinxinsin6


Man I sure do love some exposition being sooonfed to me

This void was once an underworld designed to cleanse and reincarnate souls. This place has long since lost its purpose and its very existence started to fade, causing residual energy still in the space, to form a void crack into the most unlikely of spaces, sucking in the most unlikely o0f souls.

Minecraft Player reborn as a God

Minecraft Player reborn as a God

History · v29


This line devastates me.

Akira was devastating. Takumi was devastated.

Love Is...[BL]

Love Is...[BL]

LGBT+ · sinxinsin6


Bogos binted?

Ogita shuffled Takumi quickly out of the tiny flat, down a couple of flights of stairs and into a discreet gray car. Windows tinted.

Love Is...[BL]

Love Is...[BL]

LGBT+ · sinxinsin6


wait would this be the other way around?

"Master you said multiple times that you're not a guardian but a gardener don't you want to guard those worlds from impending doom?"

Red Blossom System (BL)

Red Blossom System (BL)

LGBT+ · TheEmpressNing


Elliot seems pretty dense for a secret agent 💀

"Are you telling me this as a warning or as a threat?" I ask, and Luis finally smiles. He doesn't say anything after, but his expression spoke dozens of words that I was unfortunately not able to comprehend.

Kill Like A Gentleman

Kill Like A Gentleman

LGBT+ · AuthorN


But he literally assaulted you 😭

The hard word rang in his ears, squeezing his throat and heart. No it wasn't like that! Steve was cruel, but not that way! And it's not that Martin couldn't get away from him… at least not physically…

Race With a Heart

Race With a Heart

LGBT+ · AmberFullMoon


Oops! I think you meant Jack and not Jacek here ^^

Martin took a deep breath and smiled. It was not easy, but not as difficult as it was before the conversation with Jacek. Maybe he misjudged Jack after all, and the guy is really likeable. He was sincerely grateful to him for not asking for details, but offering support.

Race With a Heart

Race With a Heart

LGBT+ · AmberFullMoon


I definitely wasn’ expecting this

"I ... I don't know," he admitted, unable to meet the man's eyes. He was glad to talk to someone about it, but he was terrified of what would happen if it all came out. How will he be able to meet his colleagues' eyes? How will he look at Allen's face?

Race With a Heart

Race With a Heart

LGBT+ · AmberFullMoon


I don’ think Ami is going to be happy when she sees these fotos 🤣

As soon as they got out of the car, Wendy ran to Martin to take a selfie with him. The club bouncer looked at it suspiciously. The girl was dressed just for the party and famous, while the boy accompanying her did not look like someone visiting the salons. However, since he was in such company and a popular model was taking a photo with him, it meant that he met the standards of the place and without a single wry look Martin was allowed in.

Race With a Heart

Race With a Heart

LGBT+ · AmberFullMoon


Yeah right….

"Let me introduce you: this is Martin, and this is Wendy and Tamara. Next come Karl and Anna - no surnames, positions or professions, just a bunch of friends heading to the party. - Unfortunately, ladies, since you are both equally cute, I cannot decide which one to sit next to me. In that case, to avoid conflicts, my colleague will take the place next to the driver."

Race With a Heart

Race With a Heart

LGBT+ · AmberFullMoon


What does “klay” mean in this paragraph?

Karl Walton looked at his companion. She wasn't the famous model Martin had seen Karl with before, but she was certainly just as beautiful. Walton's companion, however, had more than beauty, and had an aura of klay and high society around her.

Race With a Heart

Race With a Heart

LGBT+ · AmberFullMoon


I love your writing style so much !

Martin gasped as the red and yellow car raced down the track. The noise was so loud it could cause a serious headache, but Martin refused to wear muffled headphones. He wanted to spend his first day on the track fully experiencing all its aspects with the smell of burnt rubber, used oil and fresh gasoline. He wanted to engrave every smell, sound and image in his heart for good. These must be memories that will stay with him forever - the first day in his dream job.

Race With a Heart

Race With a Heart

LGBT+ · AmberFullMoon

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