Humanbutnotworthit - Profile


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Sometimes I look at the abyss and it looks back but it never takes me with it. It leaves me stranded here on this mortal plane and it saddens me

2023-01-25 Joined United States

Badges 5

Moments 45


I’m an OG oblivion favorite game of all time nothing tops it if I were to die, I would wanna be born there

Yeah, me too. That game, for me, was Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim; this game was perfect, save for a few bugs. There is so much content and open-world space, and I'd still find more! Even when the game is released repeatedly, I appreciate the extra stuff they add. Not to mention the thousands of extra content modders add into the game, like Followers, weapons, and putting on different rings because seriously, why do they limit it to one?

My New Life In Skyrim

My New Life In Skyrim

Video Games · NightStarLive


Why didn’t Kakashi ever learned handless jujutsu I know you learned like one or two, but why couldn’t he do it for all of them?

By comparison, Fujin knew close to a hundred jutsus. And, he was still far inferior in this aspect when compared to the likes of Orochimaru, Hiruzen or Kakashi. While knowing more jutsus didn't mean that they used all the jutsus or that all jutsus would be strong, it allowed them to choose the jutsus that suited them the most.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex


She for the streets or is it the realms

Athos shook his head at the odd sight. He really couldn't believe the fact that that old man who didn't seem to have bathed since time immemorial was an immensely knowledgeable diety that was older than the Olympians themselves. He was even part primordial, as his mother was the Earth, Gaea and his father was the personification of the sea, Pontos. His parents were incredibly powerful entities. So powerful, that all they could do was slumber, as they embodied concepts. But Nereus wasn't in actuality, all that powerful. Percy, at the age of 12, could overpower Nereus with a slight strength boost due to water. Thus, Athos was sure he could do it too. But unlike Percy, he didn't want to fall into the sea to wrestle Nereus. He couldn't breathe underwater.

Athos Apsifoun : The Son Of Herakles

Athos Apsifoun : The Son Of Herakles

Book&Literature · Marine0IQ


A year has passed and gone time slips through our fingers like sand and life continues


This is something I should've announced a long time back but I am announcing it only now, which is wrong on my part. On April 15, a family member very close to me passed away suddenly. It was a horrifying experience and I thought I would put away writing for a week or so. That week stretched out into almost a month due to my lack of motivation that arrived shortly. The only thing that brought me back is that I do not wish to see Athos' story go unfinished. I shall try my best to put my rusty writing skills to work in the next few weeks and be consistent. Await a chapter tomorrow.

Athos Apsifoun : The Son Of Herakles

Athos Apsifoun : The Son Of Herakles

Book&Literature · Marine0IQ


It tastes so good give me moar I require more tears. The sorrow is absolutely divine.


[A/N: I am aware that the killings in this chapter are dark/cold. I'll be covering this a bit in the next chapter.]

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex


So proud


The ninja grabbed the neck of the unconscious girl and strangled her till it popped. The man struggled helplessly, but he could only see his daughter die in front of his eyes. Tears rolled down his eyes.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex



He dispersed into smoke. Teru looked at the smoke and muttered, "Will he ever come to visit in person?"

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex



"Sorry, Gideon, but I have better things to do than watch over you 24/7 after resetting you with The Memory Gun," I said, slicing off the sleeping child's head on the floor.

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??

Anime & Comics · Herohero


Kronos style

"Give it to me!" The lady said while the doctor heed what she said and gave the baby boy who looks around, confused about his surrounding, not even an ounce of cry.

Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]

Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]

Anime & Comics · SlimeSage


Guys come on this is the Greek mythos we’re talking about does it really even matter

OK, it's obvious that they couldn't have clothing when they were born because Kronos' stomach acid would burn them. I looked at Hestia, Demeter, and Hera's bodies and said, Oh my fucking god, they're fuking stunningly gorgeous. I mean their boobs are my style, they're not too big or too small. But then I shook my head and went around the three of them to look at their whole bodies, and yes, they have Perfect Ass's, but you're all wondering that I knew who is who right away. Well, I can see from their looks that Hestia looked like her mother Rhea, and Demeter was staring at me with an angry eye. Is it because of what I said to them when they asked me? Well, she is overprotective of her siblings. Finally, Hera smiled at me with the haughty word, but I didn't mind if I could make three of them my wife's.

Percy Jackson: The God of sea and magic

Percy Jackson: The God of sea and magic

Book&Literature · CosmoLuz


Was it by chance milk

Sally thought for a moment before answering, "I don't know, he made breakfast then left to go to the store to get some things. He said to tell you good luck in school."

Legend of Perseus Jackson

Legend of Perseus Jackson

Book&Literature · PureBlood_King


It’s funny, because I totally forgot about him

Ali/Claudia/Petruccio {🙄}/Federico {the ignored one} :"yes, aunt Maria / mother." they all said as they all walked inside

Majesty's journey 3: female Ezio's Assassin in shining black

Majesty's journey 3: female Ezio's Assassin in shining black

Video Games · That_One_Dead_Ali


Have at thee u filthy casual

I kicked the first one in the head, HARD, to stun it and stop it from getting on me. The second one lay on top of me and used its maw to try and bite into my head. Getting sick of their shit, I straight up used brute strength. I caught by the tusk, crunched by abdomen to sit up, and drove a wristblade into its neck. I retracted the blade, got under it, and from a kneeling position lifted it above my head with a roar. I then threw the bleeding out Jakobeast into the herd, knocking some over. I roared again to taunt them and started to run straight into them again. A roar that roughly translated to, "Have at thee you hairy, ugly motherfuckers! I'm having you all for dinner!"

Predator of Star Wars: Hunt

Predator of Star Wars: Hunt

Movies · GoldDragonMachina


Like I said, he’s here


"As I said, commitees are useless. No sane person would want to be on one of these." I finished.

Reborn In MHA With PSI

Reborn In MHA With PSI

Anime & Comics · GoldFinger


I was gonna see are his parents Asian but then I was like yes yes they are

"And you can't slack in your studies. I expect full marks in all subjects, capiche?" Dad chimed in.

Reborn In MHA With PSI

Reborn In MHA With PSI

Anime & Comics · GoldFinger

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