Anthony_Huffman_1174 - Profile



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2023-05-03 Joined Global

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Black hair of course, can't have any other hair color have to pick the most common hair color on planet Earth and the most common picked hair color in fan fictions. Good job.

The grey lights body glowed as his body was formed, when it was done a extremely muscular but not overly man stood 6'6 on both are black metal line came down going around the wrist and tracing down the metacarpals to the knuckles, Slicked back black hair, clean cut mustache and bread. There was the markings of the net work on his back like a tattoo.

The last Spartans

The last Spartans

Movies · Jigen0


You just broke your story.Don't do this claim you don't know you just were able to do it and other things it happened.You got sick, you woke up.You're able to do stuff. When you do this, you wreck your story. Stop it breaks the immersion of the story. It is truly unnecessary to explain that you're a player. Are you really gonna treat everybody in that world as a NPC.

"Me convierte en el jugador, transforma mi cuerpo y mente en las de un jugador, puedo subir mis estadísticas, desarrollar habilidades, subir de nivel, y lo mejor de todo puedo crecer de forma infinita, mientras tenga experiencia" Kai estaba un poco nervioso, no sabía como iban a reaccionar Edwin y Candace.

Gamer Among the Dead

Gamer Among the Dead

TV · ArashiMikado


I'm glad the author knows the difference between a cure and a vaccination. There is no cure for viruses. There's only vaccinations that help boost your body's immune system fight them off and besides, there's no cure for death. So, even if you have something that destroyed zombies, you can use against them. Like a retrovirus, they're not gonna become alive again.

"Tranquila, una vez que nos instalemos mejor les enseñaré, no es una habilidad que se aprenda en unos minutos" Kai dijo con una sonrisa, a pesar de que esto era muy hipócrita de su parte. Él si lo aprendió en menos de un segundo, pero eso último nadie tenía que saberlo.

Gamer Among the Dead

Gamer Among the Dead

TV · ArashiMikado


Here's something I don't understand and it's not meant to be a criticism of this particular book.But I don't understand why they want to evolve the zombies and The Walking Dead or high school of there are plenty of general or game worlds.Were the zombies evolved Resident Evil, Left for Dead, even Dead Space, or Doom. The zombies of The Walking Dead and I'll school of the dead are not a threat because they evolve their threat just to share numversion so I don't know why people want to evolve them instead of basing their stories in one of the world's where the zombies do evolve.

The A.I. had also explained to Roran the differences in the reality he was going to from the one he watched on TV. The main ones being that Rick's wife Lori had died giving birth to their son Carl. The other was the zombies would evolve over time. This had worried Roran the most, but the A.I. had assured him that they were still in the realm of being defeated by normal means. Roran also learned that he could view his stats like a character sheet in a video game.

VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)

VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)

TV · endless


Sorry, just let tiny die and possibly Sophia. Why even write this book? I'm not trying to trash it, but so many fan fictions don't even try to save anyone play It like a game. Except it's supposed to be able to be an. You've been emerging into it, but it's hard to do that when it happens exactly the same way as the original.

Sometime later after Atlanta had fallen, the radio team reported survivors trapped in a store requesting help, but it came in choppy so we had nothing we could act on. Of course I know this was most likely T-Dog on the radio, but it's too early to meet the group. I want to be dramatic and surprise Rick around the time Sophia goes missing. Sue me. With that said though I was tempted to send a small team in to rescue/apprehend Merle so the Governor doesn't get him, but how he is right now would do more damage than good. I'll wait till his little minor redemption arc then offer him a hand. Pun intended.

The Walking Dead - David Grimes

The Walking Dead - David Grimes

TV · Daeevit

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