Laurent_Jerry - Profile


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2023-07-24 Joined Global

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technically you cant provoque a lava eruption by digging (its actually been tryed and researched) A volcano builds up pressure fast, it either has the strengh to blow everything or you just get a minor leak. what you maybe could do with spelltech (not mundane today stuff) would be to heat up lava pocket deep underground and get a surface eruption sooner.

That was not that too hard to achieve, considering that the ruins of the siege capital buried under his feet were already unstable. With Saints creating channels for the lava to flow and deepening the already existing caverns, all Sunny had to do to cause a cascading collapse was deliver powerful shocks to shatter the meticulously prepared weak points in the icy crust.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Ves has standards ? since when ? bro genocided half of the dwarf race over convenience

"Don't worry. It won't involve any human sacrifice or other lurid stuff. I still have standards."

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


sooo feature complete ? as ..much as squadron 42 then ? xD

After enough time had passed, both Ves and Gloriana gradually brought the Dark Zephyr Mark III Project to a functionally complete state.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


how would you know ? how would you retrieve it lol

The most powerful Armsforger weapons were rumored to be so damn hard and tough that they could even remain intact when they were tossed into a black hole!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


boyfriend ? ooooh really G3 ? since when ? either sunny is delusionnal or there is an unwritten chapter somewhere

"Oh, but before that, I was very famous. Not only was I famous, but even my secret alter ego was famous. World-renowned, even. I was a war hero, too. And extremely wealthy. In fact… do you know Princess Nephis? Changing Star of the Immortal Flame clan? I was practically her boyfriend."

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


funny that its exactly what Sunny use in his kitchen

"I mean, it's not that complicated. Most electricity in the waking world is still produced by steam-powered turbines. It's just the method of producing heat, and therefore steam, that differs. So, we are using heat. Granted, finding a way to produce heat from soul essence is the ultimate goal. A truly sustainable source of energy…"

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to Nevinsforehead

no he cant, he either delegates to the shadow and keeps tab from afar, or he control them like a part of himself, he hasnt gained 7 split minds

Beside that, he could also sustain a few of them permanently without losing any essence. The natural rate at which it was expended and replenished now made it so that he did not need to dismiss at least a couple of his avatars at all. 

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


i guess making him lose his arsenal kinda makes sence then, since he will have craft 7 of anything he needs to use

They could also summon his Shadows, wield the Memories he possessed, and weave strings of shadow essence. Most frighteningly of all… each of them could form their own Shadow Shells. 

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


ahhh come on, Ves go design something instead of spending time in pointless battles with weather

This paragraph has been deleted.
The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Generous ? since when ? he makes his suborninates sign lifetime slave contracts, and now he just give away for free ? coherent much ?

Yet, the descendants had been reluctant to use them right away. They didn't want to rely on Michael's generosity to grow stronger, and they didn't want to tell their families that Michael had already given them Soul Traits.

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Fantasy · HideousGrain

Replied to Moramora36

probably a one way trip

Would they be angry, shaken, and resentful of him? Would they feel betrayed? 

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

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