ruthless_serbel - Profile



LV 13
2023-09-23 Joined Global

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that would be ursuline. 😆

"We don't know when this expedition is going to be over, and I'll wager you won't get another chance if you don't do it tonight." Pointing to the sky, Anette added, "Do it while we've got a roof over our heads. If anyone's petty enough to take exception to a man and his wife having a private moment together after three years apart, I'll give them a good knock about the ears."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim



Maxi glanced around. Their tent faced the river, meaning they were hidden from view. Realizing this, she guided his hand down her tunic.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


our baby uly!!!!!😭

The man bent over it yanked the sword lodged in the ground and said in a pompous voice, "You owe me, Sir Elliot."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


always waiting for the comments to explode. 😆

After nervously shifting her eyes, Maxi blurted out, "But… a-a woman might sneak into your tent after falling for you at f-first sight! Who's to say… y-you won't… m-mistake her for me in your sleep?"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Excited for the next chapters 😆

For some inexplicable reason, the knight seemed embarrassed as he awkwardly clarified, "Er, but not the sort of establishment your ladyship might be imagining."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


if he dreams like this this often, i hope it wouldnt be awkward for hebby and the others lol

Her head swam as she bounced up and down under the sweltering blanket. She squeezed her eyes shut, listening to the sensual moans that spilled from his lips each time she writhed and clamped around him. It seemed he had woken up now.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Everyone who knows eating popcorn at the side.

Riftan gave an incredulous snort. "Don't tell me you're worried about that now. Everyone knows you have me wrapped around your finger."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


money, magic stones, safety🤣

A short distance away, an exhausted-looking Ruth chortled. Maxi was taken aback at just how pale he was, as if he were at death's door. It made her question how on earth he had managed to follow Riftan around for all those years.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


hi its me again. maxi could cut off some of her red haor amd weave it into the blue cloth huhuhu

She bunched the handkerchief in her fist, her face growing red. Would such a hastily-made gift bring him any joy? She did not want to give him something so crude. However, the thought of him leaving with a mangled string compelled her to act. This sort of adornment was typically given to adventurers for protection, and Maxi could not bear the idea of Riftan carrying a severed charm stained with blood.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


then again he's used to werewolf stench and whatnot. this is reallll tho

Holding her chin, Riftan pushed two fingers into her mouth and gently pressed the back of her tongue. Maxi ended up hurling sticky bile all over his chest. She shook slightly as she coughed, and her cheeks were wet with tears.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


he'll always be interrupting 😂

"I apologize for the interruption, but you have quite the audience outside."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


goodluck to their future teenage kid 🤣

Maxi almost sank to the ground in relief. Supporting Maxi, Idsilla turned them both around and was about to retreat when a force abruptly yanked Maxi's hood.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


riftan's pov just established he has an internal maxi gps. sorry girl.

Keeping her head down, Maxi gulped. She knew she had to say something but had a feeling he would recognize her immediately if she spoke.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


riftan has been waiting for 3 year and then more 😆

"Would it kill you to wait another day?" Riftan snarled, callously pushing the knight back out the door.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


saved themselves the heartbreak if she ripped of a page and sent it in her letters 😆

"I-I read it in a book," she stammered. "I found it… p-purely by coincidence… w-while I was at the Tower… a-and I scrupulously read the explanation… because I wanted to… t-try it with you."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


wow eloquence after several chapters.

"Let me speak. You keep questioning my relationship my actions with Moira. We hold the same bond you have with my brother. There is no difference just as you both saved each other Moira and I did the same. Your doubts I find foolish for you are blind if only you can see how I truly feel for you. But at the same time, I will love your insecurities away and prove to you every time how much you mean to me." My eyes widen to his truth for this is the very first time my male has opened his heart a little for me to glimpse into.

The Beast's Virgin Claim

The Beast's Virgin Claim

Fantasy · Luna Liz


finally, a sentence!

"Sunflowers do not possess any odour, Theia." He responded as he glanced over his shoulder to scan through the crowd to review and see if the wolves had settled down so they could commence on their journey.

The Beast's Virgin Claim

The Beast's Virgin Claim

Fantasy · Luna Liz


wouldnt it be cute if she cut off a piece of her hair and braided it in?

"I-I will make something better for you when we go home," she said, sniffling while tying the tassel to his belt. "I-I will practice… and make you the most beautiful charm in the world. When it gets worn… I'll make you a new one. A-And when that needs replacing, I'll make you another… I'll keep making them for you, so—"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

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