Webnovel Author: Steatoda - Fanfic Collection



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Writer and Reader of Fanfictions!

2024-03-06 Joined United States

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Moments 123

Replied to Kendri_Emilio

Glad you're enjoying it. I get the harem comment a lot. Part of (what I think) makes the relationships in this story believable is that I take the time to delve into the characters a bit. Most fanfics aren't this long and subsequently, the relationships feel rushed. Particularly in a harem, where there are several relationships to balance. The other piece that I shoot for is a level of realism. A superhero story requires a level of suspension of disbelief. But the idea that a guy can have three relationships in a year isn't too much of a stretch. Even the idea of juggling two women isn't too far beyond belief, I've seen guys do that in real life often enough. The problem comes when you try to create a harem in a 'realistic' manner. Most male fantasy harem stories are built in a way that fits harems into the setting of the world. Like the man is a mage that empowers women to fight with him or gets empowered by women. Or there aren't enough fertile men... or whatever the scenario might be to justify having multiple women. The MCU and this story don't have those conditions built in. Sure Tyson is rich, and that could work in real life, but would it work in the case of the superpowered women he's pursued? Maybe, but I'd argue not. There has to be another motivation there. Ultimately, we all know how this story ends. Tyson fights Thanos. Sure a bunch of stuff happens before that. But it's pretty much a guarantee. What we don't know, is how it will happen. That's the fun of the story. The journey. How will he solve the Adamantium poisoning? When will Tyson get control of his powers? Where the hell has Magneto been? Will he find his one true love? Or when he faces Thanos will he be surrounded by a battle harem? Okay done with the tangent. On to the questions. 1. Remember wayyyy back in Arc 2 when Tyson goes into the 'white room' in his head? When he is forced out, Professor X locked the door behind him. He got back in with the help of the cuckoos, but that door is still 'locked'. Tyson can't get back into his subconscious without help. I know it has been a while but this will be explored later in this Arc. 2. As always the answer remains... a solid... maybe. 3. There was a poll for Tyson's next power-up on my Patreon for a few months. Poll is closed, but you'll probably like the results.

Replied to Sin_Vergil


Fury did not miss a beat. "I've got bigger problems than you brewing in the southwest region," he said crisply.

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to God_Of_Null


Tyson's gaze held hers, reading the earnest plea in her eyes. This was her way of caring, he realized, her way of ensuring he didn't miss out on life, even if she couldn't be as much a part of it as they both wanted.

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to Sin_Vergil

That's exactly the vibe I was going for. Thanks for the feedback.


He stalked closer, looming over her though she did not retreat. "You're trying to direct a play when you haven't finished reading the script. How could Kaecilius be a candidate when you know what he'll do?" His lip curled in a sneer. "Is Ned on your list too? Or America?" He laughed mockingly. "No, they wouldn't be. Because you don't know who they are. Because you can't see past this point and have no idea who I'm talking about!"

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to GodOfLight

Replied to JoyousRebellion

Replied to JoyousRebellion


"On Valentine's Day? Really?" Tyson muttered under his breath, shaking his head at the villain's terrible timing.

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to JoyousRebellion

Yup. Straight from the scene.


"Harry, please," Norman scoffed, his voice carrying despite the hushed tone. "You think a woman like that is sniffing around because she actually likes your personality?"

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to One_Punch999

Stryker put a neural inhibitor on Xavier. It made him unable to use his psionics, allowing Jason's power to take hold. Once Jason was in, they took off the neural inhibitor. Baseline Xavier is too strong. Great Question.

Tyson then shared a key detail. "This level of immersion," he said, "it's much easier because we made eye contact and you're not resisting. It's more taxing with someone who is fighting." He mentioned, "Jean wasn't fooled by my illusions until we made eye contact and she allowed me in. So, powerful psychics might be unaffected or easily see through the deception. And you remember how they flat out didn't work on some of the demons in Limbo." he added.

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to Outer_God_KingOfWN


Tyson groaned as he slowly got to his feet, his hand exploring the tender spot on his cheek. Fighting without Logan's power wasn't as fun. He could already feel his skin blossoming into a dark bruise. But he knew that in that short exchange, regardless of the hit he'd taken, his odds of winning the fight increased. The man's strength and experience advantage had been nullified when they made contact. 

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to vash_tridam


Q waved off his concerns with a dismissive flick of his hand. "I used my own power to grant you your Personal Reality, so you don't need to worry yourself over the gauntlet. Though if you ever move on from my patronage, by leaving this multiverse or by dying, the Personal Reality won't come with you, and I'm keeping your stuff. But, I'll admit that I left off Items from your sheet. You don't have any yet."

Star Jumper

Star Jumper

Movies · Steatoda

Replied to gamabunda4873

In the comics this is not always clearly defined, but through flashbacks we learn that, Kaine had Peters' memories up to the point of the cell samples he was cloned from. For this story, that would be up to the Lizard battle in February.

As the clone neared physical maturity, Warren's thoughts turned from the present triumph to the challenges ahead. If successful, the clone should possess Spider-Man's intellect, experiences, and even superhuman abilities. But would he have the original's heart and spirit? What invisible, intangible force makes a man who he is? Warren tucked away those philosophical riddles for another time.

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to Anide_Oficial

This serves as her moment of revelation.

Bakuto's quiet reply was, "Soon we'll find out."

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

Replied to FOX_FIRE


Tyson stood in front of the mirror, squeezing a towel around his damp hair as it dried. He glanced down at his reflection; he was wearing the identical sweatpants and shirt he'd been given when he arrived at the institute. A soft sigh escaped his lips, realizing he needed to do some shopping soon, or at the very least, ask someone where he could get more suitable clothes.

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Anime & Comics · Steatoda

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