Shadrack_Orwa - Profile


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2024-03-19 Joined Global

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Now, before the council of elders intervention, the family believed that their loved one could be alive. According to the community, a person who dies mysteriously was expected to communicate through dreams and guide the family about his where about. But for this case they had never heard from Asweda Asweda. There was not option hence organizing for his burial as the custom requires though reluctantly. Asweda Asweda had not paid the dowry for his third wife and according to the culture it hindered the burial process from going on. The family gathered and raised then bulls for the dowry process. The selected three elderly men who were sent to pay the dowry as the custom dictates. Osuna was the best person with high bargaining power and experience in matter dowry payment. Osuna was among the three selected men to be send to pay dowry. He was really respected for uttering words of wisdon. The day came and the burial ritual performed. Asweda Asweda was now well send off and now it was the time for the family to heal.

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Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



The family decided to sent off their beloved one on the first day of the third month. The preparation were made in advance. The professional mourners were hired to mourn the great Asweda Asweda. The community had professional mourners who usually wailed around, singing praise songs to the deceased. There songs and wails also gave hope to the deceased family. The traditional brew locally known as busaa was put in place. The burial of a prominent person was not complete without the traditional brew. The brew usually gave a refreshing taste. On the material day, all plans were in place. The young strong men as usual were directed to dig the grave. The determined men were really willing to execute the task. They quickly cooperated and their cooperation was really amazing. There was this narrative that Asweda Asweda was cursed by the ancestors. This narrative mainly based on the way Asweda Asweda ignored the community customs and even not ready to listen to the directives of the ancestors. There this thing that happened at the time of grave preparation. The grave diggers just started fighting among themselves. According to the customs, it was really a bad sign to ignore. The situation was to be intervened by the council of elders who were to intervene on behalf.

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Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



It was now the responsibility of the community to ensure they get the remains of Asweda Asweda for burial. As for their case, it was a very difficult task. They organized the young men and dispatched them into a search mission for the remains of Asweda. The group went on searching from village to village*** from bush to bush. After seven days of vivid search, they later found a chopped off leg which they suspected to belong to Asweda. They wrapped the leg in an animal skin and continued with their search mission. They went through thorny bushes but still their efforts were fruitless. They returned home after two weeks of serious search. It was now assumed that world animals could have already consumed the remains of the great Asweda Asweda. It was now the community to perform the burial ritual. As for this case, the custom provided that a banana stem have to be buried in the case of the deceased body is not found. The custom vividly dictated that a six feet banana stem to be buried. For the case of Asweda, a three feet banana was to be buried because they had other part (the leg).

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Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



Asweda in a company of his ten young men came out of the place they were hiding. Unfortunately one person saw them and suspected them. It seems they looked suspicious. The person raised alarm and people came armed. This time round they were not as many a the previous crowd was. They were given a thorough beating that left all of them injured. They were left unconscious. Things was becoming tough for Asweda and the company. The situation was becoming unbearable. There was all signs that their expected rain will not be successful. Considering the risks associated, one would suggest they quit their plan. But they were determined with much expectation to succeed. They were still on on their way. In their mind, they were determined to reach the Oromo village. The village was believed to be blessed with a countless number of livestock. They believed that once they arrive that land, their life would positively change drastically. They continued with their journey but at this time they were feeling hungry. They went to search for wild fruits in the bush. Luckily they found guavas which they all ate to fill their stomachs.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



"Thieves!, thieves!, come and rescue me", the field owner cried out. A large crowd arrived from all direction ready to kill. The crowd was armed with machetes, arrows and stones. Asweda and the group were in danger. The angry group searched in all bushes around but in vain. Their effort to find the alleged thieves was fruitless. The angry mob disappeared slowly. Asweda with the group got a sense of relief when the situation calmed down. They remained in the hideout for around three hours.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



It was common for the people to safeguard their crops especially those which were still in the field. It was believed that some people would manipulate the dark spirits and use them to safe guard their fields. The only person who could help them out was the owner of the field as he had power do set them free. Asweda really afraid and went to hide in the nearby bush. Early in the morning, the field owner arrived at the scene. On seeing the stuck men, he quietly moved away and disappeared into the thin air. The field owner was very careful as a slight mistake would set them free.The way to set the stuck men free was just a talk or even a touch. Any communication by the field owner to the stuck men would loosen things. The field owner returned again walked around carefully. And before the field owner could make a single step away, Asweda quickly approached him with a machete and threatened him. The field owner was to decide between freeing the young men and death. The field owner immediately freed them by a just a word of mouth. Asweda with his group quickly ran to hide in the nearby bush.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



Now their mission had to delay for sometime. They were to stay at that particular place for some time. The place was very bushy hence they feared attack from wild animals. The were very alert with their arms to safeguard themselves. They stayed at that particular place for three days. Asweda was responding very well to medicine. On fourth day, Asweda had fully recovered and they had to go. But now their food had already exhausted. They had to plan how to get food to sustain them before the situation worsened.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



"Young boys, where are you?, Asweda called the loudly. "Hurry up young boys", he added. In a blink of an eye, the young men arrived and they left. They carried boiled potatoes and milk for their meal. They were to walk several miles to a far village to perform the cattle raid. Their journey had several challenges. The first rain after a long drought had arrived. They had to suffer under the storm. A heavy rainfall was pouring down when they were in a forest. Indeed the group really suffered a lot. One night the heavy rain came as usual. It was unbearable this time round. They decided to go and hide in nearby toilet. But they were chased away by by a group of dogs forcing them to run for their safety. They went under a huge tree for shelter. The following day Asweda was shivering. He was feeling extreme cold. Now they could not move any further. They were first to assist Asweda recover from the illness before they could move further. Nekesa, one of the ten boys who accompanied Asweda, quickly went to fetch herbal medicinal leaves. Immediately he returned, Asweda was given the dose, which he took before he slept to rest.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



Asweda woke up early with a decision. He had made up his mind to go for raid operation despite the hindrance from the ancestors. He quickly picked his machete and an arrow an quickly went out. He assured his wives that he would be safe and return back alive. "My wives, am going into a war, a very serious war and no one knows about tomorrow, but worry less because I will return safely", Asweda murmured in a low tone. "I will return with a huge sizable number of livestock and richness will be part of us again", he added. He ironically made a prayer request to the ancestors and left.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



The ten young men who were with Asweda returned home with bad news. They narrated how they found themselves in the hands of Oromo people. Nekesa and the group were doubting the possibility of Asweda being alive. They were convinced that Asweda Asweda must be with the ancestors at that particular time. This new shocked the Family and the entire community.They could not believe at all. Asweda's newly married third wife was really shocked as she was becoming a widow three months after marriage. Another draw back for Asweda's third wife was that her bride price was yet to be paid. It was really a sorrowful moment for the family. Everyone associated the incident with the ancestors' earlier communication. Asweda Asweda had been warned by the ancestors not to go for a planed cattle rustling mission but he ignored. Now the search for wealth now turned to be a disaster. The family were left with a scar which could not heal. The family had to accept the reality as it was.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



"We are finished, take position young men", Asweda ordered in a tone that could suggest worry. Although it could be seen that Oromo people were already overpower the thieves but they could not let it go that easy. In that bushy place, they fought for two hours before they could surrender. The young man in company of Asweda Asweda quickly disappeared when they realized their life was in danger. Asweda at the position he was could not find any place to escape. One of the Oromo men chopped off Asweda's left leg. Asweda Asweda was now in great pain. The young men were determined to kill him. It was now a matter of minutes and Asweda Asweda will be resting with his ancestors in the spirit world.Asweda cried out in pain. A young Oromo man who was at a distance could be seen aiming to chop off the neck of Asweda Asweda. He was to suffer the exact death he caused in Oromo. The Asweda's ancestors could not leave him despite his disrespectful nature. Without further ado, a young Oromo man pushed Asweda with an aim of making him fall on the ground to easily finish him. The push was so great that it displaced him about two meters before he was swallowed by a near by deep cave. Now this was how Asweda Asweda was saved from the Oromo men who were craving for his blood.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



Now the community where they had stolen the animals were really disappointed and couldn't believe they had lost such a sizable amount of livestock. The worst thing was the life lost during the operation. They had to revenge. It was now becoming a matter of life and death. They had to do whatever it takes to recover their animals. The Oromo community quickly organized the young strong men in their village for a recovery mission. The young Oromo men were divided into four groups and each group was to follow a different path. They quickly made their way into the bush and forest for a recovery mission. They were armed to teeth carrying arrows, swords and machetes. The first group had travelled now for seven day and there was no sign of success.They were now tired and weary. They decided to stay for sometime before they could continue with the journey. They sat under a huge Mango tree to rest for sometime. A middle aged woman arrived from the opposite direction. They all greeted her before they inquired if she had come across stolen livestock. The middle aged woman who introduced herself as Nyaoro confirmed having came across a large heard of cattle few miles away. From the vivid description of Nyaoro, they young Oromo men deduced that they were the cattle rustlers they were searching for. They gained extra energy and quickly tactful made their way. They were really determined to face the cattle rustlers. They saw Asweda and the group at a distance. They quickly spreed in an effort to ambush and attack the cattle rustlers from all direction.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



The long awaited day finally arrived. The cattle rustlers came out boldly to attack. It was a great war as it took more than three hours to overpower the livestock owner. It was a matter of life and death. Asweda quickly took his machete in an attempt to exercise his military skills. Asweda was normally very tough during such operation. He swiftly moved and chopped off the neck of their opponent. Fears and worries ran down their opponents vain. As they ran for their safety, Asweda and the young men quickly made away with a large size of livestock. They quickly rushed through the forest and disappeared. They had accomplished their mission successful and now Asweda was regaining his recently lost social status. Asweda could be the richest in their entire village when he arrive safely. He was extremely happy.

Fortune favour the bold

Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



Asweda and his company finally arrived at the destination. They had reached the Oromo village. A village perceived to contain milk and honey. They had a lot of expectation. They arrived late at night and had to rest for sometime. They were weary and they had to regain their strength before they could attempt the raid. Another reason why they had to delay the raid operation was to have time to understand the area well. They had to identify the convenient escape route. They stayed in that particular place for several weeks. They understood that community way of operation. Although the community seemed hostile, they just had to endure to accomplish their mission.They successful identified three family to suffer under their hands in raid. They were really determined and nothing could stop them.

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Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



Adundo was called by her former school to assist as untrained teacher. She accepted the offer and had to teach there for two years before joining her university of choice. She applied for a course, Bachelor of science (Actuarial science). By then, Actuarial science was the best respected course, though perceived as hard. The young girl was determined to pursue the course and become one of the best actuaries in the world. Her strong mathematical skill was key in that course and she was not afraid of anything.

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Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye



After two years, Adundo got acceptance letter. She had to join on September that year. The acceptance letter brought joy to the family. Nekesa had to organize and put everything in place for her lovely daughter. She organized for a fund raising where she got half of the expected fund for her daughter's fee and accommodation. She had now to struggle and raise the remaining money from elsewhere. It was really a tough moment for her as a mother and the sole provider by that time. Nekesa also had other children who looked up to her for provision. She always encouraged her children to trust the process in a way to encourage and assure them for support despite the challenges.

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Fortune favour the bold

History · daniel_osaye

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