Maya_Elvander - Profile


LV 1
2024-03-22 Joined Global

Moments 1


I like the way maya supports them, and I'm maya!

Lyna was struggling to visualize the destination for her teleportation. Despite having a picture of where she wanted to go, she was distracted by the commendable work of everyone around her. "Get a hold of yourself, Lyna. Concentrate on your goal, and leave the rest to me," said Maya confidently, taking Lyna's hand. As Maya entered Lyna's mind, Lyna visualized the pool, which Maya promptly replicated. Within seconds, they had teleported to the pool. "Oh no! Maya, I'm sorry. I didn't expect us to land in the pool!" Lyna exclaimed in a panic, while Maya effortlessly transformed into a mermaid. "Don't worry, Lyna. You'll get better with practice," Maya laughed and reassured her.



Action · Sapphire_lynn80

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