Tauran_23 - Profile



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2024-04-12 Joined Global

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My man just wanted peace


Feeling a surge of anger, the queen's actions took a violent turn. Instead of heeding her husband's plea, she grabbed him by the throat, her grip tightening with each passing moment. In a shocking and gruesome act, Hel swiftly extended a long, sharp-tipped tongue from her mouth and thrust it into his eye, inflicting a painful and debilitating injury.

Son of the Underworld

Son of the Underworld

Anime & Comics · Asemertias



"And I thought I asked you not to wear such a gloomy expression?" the queen parried with a soft smile, arching an eyebrow playfully. With a wave of her hand, she effortlessly discarded her dress and adorned a bathing attire, carefully tucking her hair back. Confidently, she entered the water, approaching her spouse, standing just a fraction closer than necessary. Their breaths mingled, the warmth and chill blending together. Haemon instinctively averted his gaze from his wife's pale and exquisite form, instinctively shielding his own with a light armor of modesty. Hel couldn't help but laugh, her hand quickly rising to cover her mouth, maintaining the decorum befitting their station.

Son of the Underworld

Son of the Underworld

Anime & Comics · Asemertias


My man becoming full schizo over time


"I love you too, and don't worry, it's not your fault," the Olympian whispered tenderly, embracing the affection from his nameless son. With gentle strokes, the warrior caressed the creature, beseeching its aid in extracting the shattered bones and stitching his wounds. "Please, do it swiftly and, if possible, with minimal pain. Let this be a lesson for me!" The creature promptly heeded its father's plea, its dark appendages delving into his body, disassembling and meticulously reassembling it with utmost care. "Ha-ha, you must relish this, don't you, beast?" the Olympian whispered softly to the unseen yet undeniably present entity. His crimson eyes burned with hatred and disgust as he fixed his gaze upon something before him. His claws pierced his palms, drawing forth blood. Then, a hot, putrid breath forcefully assailed his face, confirming that his words had been heard.

Son of the Underworld

Son of the Underworld

Anime & Comics · Asemertias


Even Batman would have struggled with that!


Emerging from the water with urgency, the Olympian hastened toward the pool's edge where the steps awaited. Taking a seat, he drew in a deep breath, exhaling forcefully and releasing steam from his mouth. Pushing back his damp strands of hair, the warrior succumbed to a fit of heavy coughing, reminiscent of an elderly man afflicted by tuberculosis. His hand instinctively reached for his chest, where the armor once resided, only to discover its absence, revealing horrifying wounds that lay bare before him. Two immense fist-sized cavities marred his chest, and the mere touch of the water against his exposed organs ignited sharp waves of pain. Squinting his eyes and hissing in agony, Haemon plunged his hand into one of the wounds, endeavoring to realign the bones that punctured his internal organs. In a moment of despair, he cursed aloud, "Tartarus, tear me apart!" Regrettably, underestimating his own strength, he inadvertently applied too much force, causing the bone to shatter into countless fragments, further exacerbating the already dire situation. From the warrior's back, a tendril of darkness emerged, its touch gentle as it caressed his face, offering a modicum of relief in the face of his father's suffering.

Son of the Underworld

Son of the Underworld

Anime & Comics · Asemertias


Haemon when he sees innocent kids have lil too much fun:


Both women exchanged regretful glances, and as they lowered their heads, they were horrified to see that the Olympian was regurgitating body parts of children. "These are the body parts of children!" Ulfrun uttered with disgust. "And not just children!" Hel stated coldly, her gaze sweeping over the scattered flesh, the scene filled with a chilling aura.

Son of the Underworld

Son of the Underworld

Anime & Comics · Asemertias


Two cats gonna absolutely fight over our man Haemon!


"So this is what little Hel has been up to!" a surprised female voice interjected from behind the queen. Hel, masking her true emotions with a false smile, turned around and greeted the uninvited guest with forced cheerfulness. "Ah, dear Ulfrun, you've finally graced me with your presence."

Son of the Underworld

Son of the Underworld

Anime & Comics · Asemertias

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