/ TV / Avatar: A Tale of Fire and Steel

Avatar: A Tale of Fire and Steel Original

Avatar: A Tale of Fire and Steel

TV 64 Capítulos 189.2K Modos de exibição
Autor: Clarke_SM

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The year was 100AG, and the Hundred Year War had finally come to an end. Half the world stood in ruins, but a new era was looming on the horizon. This is a tale of a defeated and broken princess, of a farseeing yet conflicted Fire Lord, and an Avatar struggling with the death of his people and the birth of a new world. This is a tale of life and death, loyalty and betrayal, war and peace; but most importantly, it is a tale of a brother and sister.


  1. Clarke_SM
    Clarke_SM Contribuído 24
  2. Kwetzal_Lag
    Kwetzal_Lag Contribuído 5
  3. Targas
    Targas Contribuído 5

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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I was excited originally but I can't tell if this is canon or not since I only watched the show. Sadly there's no action and its a bit confusion in having to juggle azula's delusions, flashbacks, and just being a victim of whatever or whoever is mistreating her. the rest just plays out like a drama. it's very well written and I bet people would like to read this but there is no excitement to found. it feels like all the details of a life people leave out of stories because they aren't necessary or interesting enough, but I think the focus is on those details. and that's not really my thing so it's been difficult to immerse myself and get hooked. I think folk should give the story a chance tho. ill hang on for a bit longer to see how it develops so I can get a full grasp as I still feel like there should be something more to this story I havent noticed.

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Another rare find that I am pre reviewing and will read at a later date, but the author has commented on another review and seems active. Hopefully that continues

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Autor Clarke_SM