/ Eastern / A Big Shot Actually

A Big Shot Actually Comic A Big Shot Actually Comic

A Big Shot Actually

248 Capítulos 1.6M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

Sobre Índice


Li Nianfan transmigrated to an immortal cultivation world as a mortal. Knowing that he could never become a cultivator, he decided to live an ordinary life. But unbeknownst to him, his dog became a mighty Yaoguai king by watching him draw and write; the tree he planted in the backyard became the tree of the world by listening to tunes he played; a passerby he met, who gained enlightenment from the chitchat with him, became a Taoist sage and started a new era...


  1. Yingfa4eva
    Yingfa4eva Contribuído 60286
  2. shcolarium
    shcolarium Contribuído 42289
  3. Tommy_Frank
    Tommy_Frank Contribuído 41751


Presente -- Presente recebido

    Status de energia semanal

    Rank -- Ranking de Poder
    Stone -- Pedra de Poder

    Disponível como romance

    I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot

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