/ Horror / A Collection of Creepy Cases

A Collection of Creepy Cases Comic A Collection of Creepy Cases Comic

A Collection of Creepy Cases

Concluído 49 Capítulos 108.3K Modos de exibição

Editora: Zhuan Lun Shou Qiang

Sobre Índice


Jiang's apprentice Lu Feng escapes from the police station due to personal grudge against Jiang and the others and goes on a crime spree. He will do anything to get money and achieve personal goals, committing crimes by despicable methods, and assisting the underworld in committing bizarre cases. The Special Investigation Unit 9, which specializes in handling all kinds of supernatural and bizarre cases across the country, vows to catch Lu Feng.


  1. Lavish_00
    Lavish_00 Contribuído 81
  2. delca
    delca Contribuído 40
  3. Amelia_Landero_9286
    Amelia_Landero_9286 Contribuído 26


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