/ Romance / Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Almighty Daughter Runs The World Comic Almighty Daughter Runs The World Comic

Almighty Daughter Runs The World

86 Capítulos 1.3M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

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After traveling through time and space, Ye Zhuo became a fake daughter of a wealthy family and a notorious bastard that everyone disdained. But so what? Although Ye Zhuo was dealt a bad hand, she would still win. Ye Zhuo quickly made room for the real daughter of the wealthy family and then helped her mother and uncle get rich overnight. As an unparalleled talented woman, she became the head of a technology firm and had a fortune of hundreds of billions of dollars, directly reaching the pinnacle of her life! Meanwhile, she was having a relationship with a wealthy tycoon who always doted on her!


  1. Peachbun
    Peachbun Contribuído 12703
  2. Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365
    Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365 Contribuído 12678
  3. Chantha_Soeung
    Chantha_Soeung Contribuído 11704


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