/ Action / Astral Pet Store

Astral Pet Store Comic Astral Pet Store Comic

Astral Pet Store

147 Capítulos 4.5M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

Sobre Índice


In the era of astral pets, only the might of pets was essential! However, making the pets stronger has always been a slow and arduous process for pet warriors. That was until the appearance of a mysterious pet shop that changed everything! The weakest skeleton could slay a great golden dragon with a single strike after training at this pet shop! Even the humble watchdog of the shop possessed ten legendary skills, and the female worker in the shop claimed to be a Goddess... As for what the shopkeeper Su Ping thinks: I'm merely training these cute pets to become exceptional overlord beasts. What? Is it not normal?


  1. LillithJade_Vaughn
    LillithJade_Vaughn Contribuído 22456
  2. Gary_Andrews_4531
    Gary_Andrews_4531 Contribuído 21457
  3. Theodore_Rathe
    Theodore_Rathe Contribuído 20716


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    Astral Pet Store

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