/ Harem / Become the Castellan in Another World

Become the Castellan in Another World Comic Become the Castellan in Another World Comic

Become the Castellan in Another World

522 Capítulos 13.1M Modos de exibição

Editora: Qingting Comics

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When a gamer and homebody starts the BUFF for traveling through time and space, he certainly chooses to make waves! Make waves! And make waves! Domineering cat lady, Lori fox lady, Girly rabbit lady…This is not a Zoo! This is a fantastic Another World under the rule of the law of the jungle! In a real strategic game and a huge conspiracy crisis, the Overlord of Another World is emerging, with the rest nothing but losers…


  1. David_Gray_7914
    David_Gray_7914 Contribuído 85084
  2. RageFang_xx
    RageFang_xx Contribuído 66822
  3. Lachlan_MacPherson
    Lachlan_MacPherson Contribuído 54648


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