/ Sci-Fi / Between Lips and Teeth

Between Lips and Teeth Comic Between Lips and Teeth Comic

Between Lips and Teeth

Concluído 119 Capítulos 569.2K Modos de exibição

Editora: Edda

Sobre Índice


No one in this world can disclose my weakness, except you.” A kind of frenzied virus comes down to the world again. It makes people furious, variant and turns them into monsters who hate everything in the world. The darkness which is covered by the calm days will be out of the water like the tip of the iceberg.
I will be watching you in the darkness


  1. Rebecca_Rubenacker_0413
    Rebecca_Rubenacker_0413 Contribuído 1245
  2. Ars_Lieria
    Ars_Lieria Contribuído 1235
    WMMSCTA Contribuído 1222


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