/ LGBT+ / Bring A Wolf Home

Bring A Wolf Home Comic Bring A Wolf Home Comic

Bring A Wolf Home

Concluído 92 Capítulos 895.4K Modos de exibição

Editora: Toumanwenhua

Sobre Índice


He is the most powerful president of the Wolves while he is a useless vampire who has been thrown out to the streets. They can't stand each other on sight, but a Wolf baby who appeared from nowhere binds them together. Thus begins their romantic journey on raising a child together. When this couple with completely different personalities and identities clash, what kind of sparks will fly?


  1. Sarah_Adem
    Sarah_Adem Contribuído 1333
  2. Keanna_Oliver
    Keanna_Oliver Contribuído 1296
  3. Kayla_Baldwin_5315
    Kayla_Baldwin_5315 Contribuído 1295


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