/ Mystery / Defective Lovers

Defective Lovers Comic Defective Lovers Comic

Defective Lovers

Concluído 70 Capítulos 1.1M Modos de exibição

Editora: Xiyan & Dengsa

Sobre Índice


The short-tempered captain of the criminal brigade, Qian Cuo, and the sophisticated cold-blooded detective, Teng Ruiyu, had been partners in breaking countless queer cases. But two years ago, they were involved in serial crimes related to soothsaying art...


  1. DaoistgPGvrW
    DaoistgPGvrW Contribuído 751
  2. Psychopomups
    Psychopomups Contribuído 659
  3. Gudetama26
    Gudetama26 Contribuído 635


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