/ Transmigration / Doomed to be a King

Doomed to be a King Comic Doomed to be a King Comic

Doomed to be a King

Concluído 145 Capítulos 3.9M Modos de exibição

Editora: YuanShiShuYi

Sobre Índice


One day, a young man ​occupied a mountain, and crowned himself the king. Henceforward, this place was
full of masters and beasts. But wait... What am I looking at? Masters are plowing farmlands, and beasts are
guarding the yards? Something's wrong...


  1. cbyrd_18
    cbyrd_18 Contribuído 15221
  2. Tech_priest_Lumis
    Tech_priest_Lumis Contribuído 12793
  3. jimmy_needle
    jimmy_needle Contribuído 12640


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