/ Action / Dreamland Adventure

Dreamland Adventure Comic Dreamland Adventure Comic

Dreamland Adventure

Concluído 206 Capítulos 7.7M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

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"Adventure &Redemption"
#Multiple Dreamland In-game Adventure
#2021 Newly Arrived Hit!

Howard, the lowly office employee, is stuck at the bottom of the corporate ladder until a chance encounter with the mimic dream system changes his life! Now he can access all the adventure he ever wanted: having adventures, fighting monsters and living with his gorgeous but fierce boss! The mission, as always, is to be attractive but independent, bold but sensitive.


  1. vnon123
    vnon123 Contribuído 17247
  2. Alex_Thomas_3865
    Alex_Thomas_3865 Contribuído 12465
  3. Heart1st
    Heart1st Contribuído 11759


Presente -- Presente recebido

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    Stone -- Pedra de Poder
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    • Qualidade de desenho
    • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
    • Design de Personagens

    O escore total 0.0

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