/ Urban / Fatal Scents

Fatal Scents Comic Fatal Scents Comic

Fatal Scents

Concluído 206 Capítulos 1.6M Modos de exibição

Editora: Xiaoshao Film,Tiaogeng,Two Cats

Sobre Índice


Su Mu, male singer, gentle as water, is now paired with the dominative president Ning Ye of a large business group. The marking of pheromone puts both men’s life at stake. However, the former boyfriend of Su Mu just came back from Germany, turning from a poor actor to an award-winning one. The love from two different men is overwhelming Su Mu. Is he going to get stuck in the middle?


  1. Skmaz
    Skmaz Contribuído 11483
  2. Daoist426426
    Daoist426426 Contribuído 11477
  3. Cheryl_Riggin
    Cheryl_Riggin Contribuído 9391


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