/ Adventure / Heaven Defying Sword

Heaven Defying Sword Comic Heaven Defying Sword Comic

Heaven Defying Sword

457 Capítulos 7.9M Modos de exibição

Editora: FengQiDongMan

Sobre Índice


To defeat his uncle who destroyed his family, the teenager Xuan Tian embarked on a martial arts training journey to hone his sword techniques. From a teenager who knew nothing to a Sword God of his generation, those he once saw as strong are now mere specks of dust to him. With one finger, I obliterate all; With my sword, I defy the heavens! And his path, leads him directly to the limitless heavens!


  1. Aaron_Randolph
    Aaron_Randolph Contribuído 37021
  2. N_Hamilton
    N_Hamilton Contribuído 35589
  3. Nathan_Mitchell_5459
    Nathan_Mitchell_5459 Contribuído 32808


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