/ Action / Martial Peak

Martial Peak Comic Martial Peak Comic

Martial Peak

1,222 Capítulos 11.7M Modos de exibição

Editora: Pikapi

Sobre Índice


The peak of martial arts is solitary and lonely. It is an endless pursuit for unattainable heights as well. In order to surpass the limits of martial arts, growth and the will to survive in adverse situations is necessary.
One day, Yang Kai, a disciple-on-trial (and floor sweeper) of the Lingxiao Martial Arts Sect discovered a Wordless Black Book. That marked the turn in his luck and the beginning of his martial arts journey.


  1. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contribuído 102356
  2. StormGazer
    StormGazer Contribuído 99538
  3. maninder_bhatti
    maninder_bhatti Contribuído 76490


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