/ Romance / Meet You in My Prime

Meet You in My Prime Comic Meet You in My Prime Comic

Meet You in My Prime

167 Capítulos 2.0M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

Sobre Índice


Qiao Zhao married the noblest man in the capital, but she didn't even get to spend a night with him. Her husband was ordered to lead an army to fight the enemy. When she saw him again, she was shot dead on the city wall by her husband. Then she opened her eyes and found herself riding a donkey. She had become a little girl who was kidnapped. She had to figure out how to escape and return to the capital.


  1. Gigi94
    Gigi94 Contribuído 41988
  2. Mikenna_Duncan
    Mikenna_Duncan Contribuído 40761
  3. 2Krazy4KD
    2Krazy4KD Contribuído 30503


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