/ Drama / Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Girl

Miracle Doctor, Abandoned  Girl Comic Miracle Doctor, Abandoned  Girl Comic

Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Girl

Concluído 34 Capítulos 5.3M Modos de exibição

Editora: BaoQingComic

Sobre Índice


The Young Lady of the Ye Clan, once a simpleton, was not fated to die by accident but then restarted her life. She inherited the knowledge of poison and medicine and conquered the amazing ancient animals. The only surprise was The King of Ghost feared by the world, that gentle and warmhearted hostage.


  1. Rachel_Lr
    Rachel_Lr Contribuído 410
  2. Misaki45990
    Misaki45990 Contribuído 256
  3. Killer995
    Killer995 Contribuído 235


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