/ Urban / My Affair With a Ghostly Girlfriend

My Affair With a Ghostly Girlfriend Comic My Affair With a Ghostly Girlfriend Comic

My Affair With a Ghostly Girlfriend

Concluído 161 Capítulos 1.9M Modos de exibição

Editora: Dong Man Club

Sobre Índice


On a feverish dark night, a black wind swooped down under the pale glow of the dark as Ye Lan, a high school student, gained unimaginable and mysterious powers. Was it a strangely beautiful demon Lolita, an arrogant elder sister, or an innocent, adorable and beautiful sword deity that appeared before him?

Ye Lan couldn't find it in him to cross her, and neither could he avoid her. Join him as he's forced into embarking on a mysterious adventure with her into the dangerous unknown together.


  1. DaoistqVCEbu
    DaoistqVCEbu Contribuído 1872
  2. sanslover235
    sanslover235 Contribuído 1872
  3. SNSH
    SNSH Contribuído 1872


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