/ Comedy / My Alluring Husband

My Alluring Husband Comic My Alluring Husband Comic

My Alluring Husband

Concluído 67 Capítulos 442.4K Modos de exibição

Editora: Fox Culture

Sobre Índice


A human baby was born to be the Ghost Bride, but it turns out to be a boy! He's told repeatedly that his marriage is destined by fate, but it's actually a means by which his husband satisfies his own insatiable desire for love. He seizes every chance to escape and his ghost husband, who just latches onto him, keeps chasing.


  1. skz1234567856
    skz1234567856 Contribuído 1506
  2. Kayla_Baldwin_5315
    Kayla_Baldwin_5315 Contribuído 1504
  3. Claudia_Mata_8603
    Claudia_Mata_8603 Contribuído 1501


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