/ Magic / My Maid is a Demon

My Maid is a Demon Comic My Maid is a Demon Comic

My Maid is a Demon

Concluído 77 Capítulos 4.1M Modos de exibição

Editora: Readcomic

Sobre Índice


On his birthday, university student Bai XiaoShu suddenly receives a strange phone call from his father. Afterwards, he is inexplicably chased by people dressed in black who are intent on taking his life. Bai XiaoShu follows his father’s instructions and returns to his family residence. On the brink of death, he makes a contract with a devil. When he awakens, he finds himself face-to-face with an adorable girl who calls herself his maid. However, all of the strange events in his story... have only just begun...


  1. TheOneMadHawk
    TheOneMadHawk Contribuído 827
  2. john_corbett
    john_corbett Contribuído 817
  3. SlowGo
    SlowGo Contribuído 815


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