/ Romance / Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School Comic Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School Comic

Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Concluído 231 Capítulos 5.0M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

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She was originally a puppet of her family, a business spy, and an assassin that the police were pursuing. Then, she was betrayed and fell into the deep sea.
When she opened her eyes once more, she had become a normal high school student in her third year. Because of her disgraceful birth, her relatives ostracized her since she was young, while her classmates bullied her because of her low self-esteem and withdrawn nature.
After her reincarnation, she became a domineering person and beat those people when they bullied her again. Others had to gamble or rely on their luck to see if a jade was valuable. However, with a powerful cheat in her hands, the Spiritual Jade Vision, she could easily detect spiritual qi in pieces of jade with one glance!
Life was comfortable, but there were jealous people all around her, and her skin crawled with every move they made!


  1. Yingfa4eva
    Yingfa4eva Contribuído 68624
  2. PassingTourist
    PassingTourist Contribuído 66710
  3. Dita6779
    Dita6779 Contribuído 66661


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