/ Magic / Shameless Mage

Shameless Mage Comic Shameless Mage Comic

Shameless Mage

Concluído 63 Capítulos 2.7M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

Sobre Índice


Strange events are popping up all over Earth. Desert rainstorms, sudden floods, and the appearance of supernatural abilities... When Xu Nan touched upon the power of the Prometheus World, he awakened the "Mage" class and saw a vision of the Earth being invaded. However, he can only level up through "shameful" deeds. The young mage sets forth on the Path of Shame...


  1. Esau_Jacob
    Esau_Jacob Contribuído 752
  2. Jordan_x_2112
    Jordan_x_2112 Contribuído 705
  3. Weatherstone
    Weatherstone Contribuído 631


Presente -- Presente recebido

    Status de energia semanal

    Rank -- Ranking de Poder
    Stone -- Pedra de Poder
    Escreva uma avaliação Status de leitura: C0
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    • Qualidade de desenho
    • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
    • Design de Personagens

    O escore total 0.0

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