/ Eastern / Solely Favored by the Cat-like Campus Hunk

Solely Favored by the Cat-like Campus Hunk Comic Solely Favored by the Cat-like Campus Hunk Comic

Solely Favored by the Cat-like Campus Hunk

Concluído 49 Capítulos 519.4K Modos de exibição

Editora: Fenggu,Daybreak Alliance

Sobre Índice


The new campus hunk not only keeps bullying me, but also becomes my nanny?! He acts so weird and sometimes even paws at me! But somehow, I find him very familiar … A cat that has exchanged his soul with a human accidentally falls in love with his revenge target. But even with a series of misunderstandings they still want to be with each other. See how the sweet revenge between the cat prince and the vet girl takes place!


  1. Vanessa_Rivera_4824
    Vanessa_Rivera_4824 Contribuído 413
  2. HinataNeji
    HinataNeji Contribuído 413
  3. Jodi_Mansfield
    Jodi_Mansfield Contribuído 403


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