/ Eastern / Spiritpact

Spiritpact Comic Spiritpact Comic


Concluído 156 Capítulos 1.2M Modos de exibição

Editora: Pingzi

Sobre Índice


A young and broke man, Yang Jinghua, finds himself 10 years younger after waking up from a traffic accident. Just as he is dreaming about it being a rebirth after death and that he will soon reach the peak of his life, a handsome white-haired man who calls himself the “Spirit Cleanser” appears in front of him. After this man tells Yang Jinghua “You are already dead”, he proposes a weird offer: “Boy, do you want to make a pact with me?” Gradually, a deep relationship is developed between these two men and they support each other on their journey.


  1. vixxyp
    vixxyp Contribuído 1931
  2. Beps
    Beps Contribuído 1857
  3. Lizard_3192
    Lizard_3192 Contribuído 1823


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