/ History / The Divine Doctor

The Divine Doctor Comic The Divine Doctor Comic

The Divine Doctor

Concluído 646 Capítulos 12.3M Modos de exibição


Sobre Índice


With a clap of thunder, Feng Yuheng, a god at both Western and traditional Chinese medicine, transmigrates to the time of the Shun Dynasty, into the body of an abused teenaged girl. You wish to kill me? A single stab of my scalpel will paralyze half your body! My pharmacy from the past life is always with me, and fame and fortune rest within the palm of my hand. Even the Emperor wishes to be my acquantance! And you, you roguish prince... are you toying with me?


  1. Kallery
    Kallery Contribuído 58993
  2. Chibi_Wolf38
    Chibi_Wolf38 Contribuído 42109
  3. DaoistIvxdCj
    DaoistIvxdCj Contribuído 35049


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