/ Action / The God Devourer

The God Devourer Comic The God Devourer Comic

The God Devourer

Concluído 221 Capítulos 2.1M Modos de exibição

Editora: Rose Studio

Sobre Índice


Losing his right arm and right leg in a car accident, Bei Ming had never lost his faith in life. He fought against a few punks for his love and got seriously injured. When he woke up in the hospital, he found a hot-tempered and pretentious dog demon was sitting beside him. Bei Ming stood up again, and he got great power this time. When he felt like he was the king of the world, a huge crisis started to brew.


  1. Chris_Ewing
    Chris_Ewing Contribuído 6215
  2. Sean_Batchelor_2309
    Sean_Batchelor_2309 Contribuído 5049
  3. gorerable
    gorerable Contribuído 4398


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