/ School / The Rogue Teacher

The Rogue Teacher Comic The Rogue Teacher Comic

The Rogue Teacher

Concluído 82 Capítulos 789.5K Modos de exibição

Editora: Zhou Zhiyan

Sobre Índice


A teacher with a certain spiritual power, the 38th-generation exorcist of the Lu Family, teaches at Zhilan Senior High School, which has a strong presence of Yin Energy. His real reason for being there is that there are too many ghosts in the high school and he aims to become the most powerful exorcist of the Lu Family.


  1. Minebasti_ist_Cool
    Minebasti_ist_Cool Contribuído 195
  2. Ming_Chao
    Ming_Chao Contribuído 195
  3. Avatar
    Contribuído 195


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    Status de energia semanal

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    Stone -- Pedra de Poder
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