/ Adventure / The Vanishing Classroom

The Vanishing Classroom  Comic The Vanishing Classroom  Comic

The Vanishing Classroom

Concluído 67 Capítulos 1.4M Modos de exibição

Editora: FanCiYuan

Sobre Índice


One night, Li He accidentally broke into a haunted classroom, and was mistaken as one of the teachers. Someone told him that if he wanted to live, he had to stay till graduation, and in order to solve the mystery of the haunted classroom, Li He is inevitably dragged into various paranormal incidents.


  1. Dstm4ghwd
    Dstm4ghwd Contribuído 686
  2. Barbato5_R3x
    Barbato5_R3x Contribuído 676
  3. Esme_Khoo
    Esme_Khoo Contribuído 676


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