/ Eastern / Trading with Immortals

Trading with Immortals Comic Trading with Immortals Comic

Trading with Immortals

Concluído 64 Capítulos 1.0M Modos de exibição

Editora: Mansin Culture Technology Co.,Ltd.

Sobre Índice


Wang Jian, a construction worker, accidentally got a magical app from the Immortal Realm when he was in deep despair because of his younger sister's serious disease. He not only rescued his sister but gained some magic skills that helped him win the hearts of his female CEO and a cute girl. However, as time went by, he found there were some secrets about his identity...


  1. SethMeyer
    SethMeyer Contribuído 122
  2. Kitchell_146
    Kitchell_146 Contribuído 115
  3. Ego_Sum_Mors001
    Ego_Sum_Mors001 Contribuído 110


Presente -- Presente recebido

    Status de energia semanal

    Rank -- Ranking de Poder
    Stone -- Pedra de Poder
    Escreva uma avaliação Status de leitura: C0
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    • Qualidade de desenho
    • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
    • Design de Personagens

    O escore total 0.0

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