/ Urban / Twin Detective S1

Twin Detective S1 Comic Twin Detective S1 Comic

Twin Detective S1

Concluído 67 Capítulos 119.2K Modos de exibição

Editora: Jiuran

Sobre Índice


Sun Xiaohu and Sun Xiaotu were twin brothers. Xiaohu died by accident in his college but nobody knew the cause of his death. It’s strange that his younger brother Xiaotu could always see his soul. Later on, they opened a firm specializing in dealing with supernatural events. The story starts with a high school girl’s encounter of ghosts...


  1. bl_fan_1
    bl_fan_1 Contribuído 60
  2. nimosyne
    nimosyne Contribuído 60
  3. Queen_Tyrahnee
    Queen_Tyrahnee Contribuído 59


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