/ Transmigration / When beauty meets beasts

When beauty meets beasts Comic When beauty meets beasts Comic

When beauty meets beasts

325 Capítulos 32.4M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

Sobre Índice


What a surprise! Lin Huanhuan traveled to another world when she had a bath. In this world, there are cute male beasts in hide skirts with long legs everywhere! And these beasts want to be her mates! Usually love with another race wouldn't end well. But fortunately, she has got a system of existence in this world of beasts in her mind, through which she learns to live. Learn and live! There are many other things aside from having sex!


  1. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Contribuído 92007
  2. Emma_Emmahausen
    Emma_Emmahausen Contribuído 79025
  3. Peachbun
    Peachbun Contribuído 78720


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    When Beauty Meets Beasts

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