Amihan Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 12 results

  • Istri Nomor Dua

    Istri Nomor Dua

    Menikah muda bukanlah impianku. Apalagi harus menjadi istri kedua.Ini mimpi buruk!Namun demi sebuah bakti, aku pun harus rela menerima takdir, dan menjadi orang ketiga di rumah tangga pasangan yang sudah kuanggap kakakku sendiri.Meski pada akhirnya, aku pun harus menerima nasib, diabaikan suamiku sendiri.Mampukah aku bertahan dalam Rumah tangga penuh belukar ini?Atau menyerah dan mencari panggungku sendiri?Let’s see my story ....

  • Tante, mau kan jadi Mamaku?

    Tante, mau kan jadi Mamaku?

    Aku Intan Mulia Mardani. Mahasiswi tengah semester, tiba-tiba punya tetangga seorang duda yang gantengnya gak kaleng-kaleng. Mahardika Akbar Fahreza.Sayangnya, tuh duda punya anak nakalnya naudzubillah, yang tiap hari bikin aku naik darah. Ratu Isabella namanya.Membuat aku mikir 1000x untuk sekedar menggoda Ayah gantengnya. Karena aku gak mau mati muda menghadapi Si Bella ini.Meski ternyata Bella sudah menargetkan aku menjadi ibu sambungnya. Aku tetap bersikeras menolak, demi masa depanku yang masih panjang."Tante, mau kan jadi Mamaku?""Ogah!""Papa?! Kita cari dukun yuk, buat pelet Tante Intan!"Eh, apa-apaan itu, di kira aku ikan Lele apa pake di kasih pelet segala?Ikuti terus kisahku melawan Bella di sini, yang pasti penuh perjuangan.Happy reading ....

  • When Ravens Sing

    When Ravens Sing


    A wicked heir. A mad woman.The crown. And the bloodshed throne.Dress up in your finest suits and ball gowns, as you are invited in witnessing the event taken upon the holy matrimony of two people. Watch as they dance their way in the bloody imperial court as they try their very best to save the holy crown blessed upon the empire of Balfour.

  • The Castle in the Universe


    The Castle in the Universe Sypnosis

  • Bukan yang Pertama

    Bukan yang Pertama

    *Sequel Istri Nomor Dua*Zaina Rahayu terpaksa menjadi yatim piatu karena kesalahan seorang Nyonya sosialita dari kota.Beruntung wanita kota itu mau bertanggung jawab, dan menawarkan sebuah janji manis sebagai menantu di rumahnya, setelah orang tuanya tiada.Sayangnya, masa lalu sang calon suami membuat Ina hilang respect, dan memutuskan perjodohan itu dengan sepihak.Apalagi dengan sikap dingin dan galaknya sang calon suami. Ina yakin tak akan bisa bertahan hidup dengan pria itu.Lalu, bagaimana saat ternyata takdir tetap mengarahkannya pada pria galak itu?Bisakah Ina bertahan dan membuat sang pria mencintainya?Atau malah kalah dan menyerah dengan cinta yang terlanjur tumbuh tanpa ia sadari.Inilah kisah Zaina Rahayu, gadis lugu yang terjebak dengan pria galak, yang gagal move on dari masa lalunya.

  • Kanjeng Ratu Minta Mantu

    Kanjeng Ratu Minta Mantu

    Sequel 1 Novel Tante, Mau kan jadi Mamaku?Menurut Kalian, lebih seram mana? Dikejar mbak Kun-kun burik?Diajak kondangan sama poci pake batik?Disuruh kepangin tuyul gondrong? atau ... pertanyaan kapan nikah seeetiap hari?Hayoo pilih yang mana?Kalau aku sih pilih ....Kepo, ya? Simak yuk kisahku melawan emak sendiri yang ngebet minta mantu, meski aku baru saja lulus kuliah.Happy Reading ….

  • Siap, Mas bos! (Season 2)

    Siap, Mas bos! (Season 2)

    Nyatanya, kisah mereka belum berakhir. Meski Aika sudah mendapatkan kembali ingatannya tentang Kairo dan kembali konyol seperti dulu. Namun kisah mereka tidak langsung berakhir bahagia.Trauma yang Aika alami, kenyataan tentang rahimnya yang terluka, dan kehadiran Andara Prameswari, anak rekan bisnis Daddy Arjuna sempat membuat Aika si periang hampir menyerah dalam pernikahannya.Rasa cinta pada Kairo dan rasa iba terhadap kondisi Andara membuat Aika meminta Kairo berpoligami. Aika berharap Kairo bisa memiliki Keluarga sempurna dengan menikahi Rara. Semuanya semata-mata dia lakukan untuk kebaikan suaminya.Nyatanya, Hal itu justru membuat Kairo kecewa, hingga pertengkaran pun tak bisa dihindari lagi. Meski akhirnya masih bisa kembali bersama, namun kehadiran orang-orang dari masa lalu keduanya pun turut mewarnai rumah tangga kedua insan itu setelahnya.Lalu, bisakah Kairo dan Aika tetap bertahan dan bergandengan tangan dalam pernikahan itu, sampai semua mimpi terwujud?Bisakah mereka tetap tertawa dan terus melangkah maju meski harapan semakin menipis dalam setiap langkah yang terlalui?Ikuti terus kisah Kairo dan Aika di Novel keduanya. Pastinya masih akan dihiasi kekonyolan dari Aika si ratu gesrek dan kesabaran tingkat dewa ala Kairo.Selamat membaca .....

  • Bukan Mauku Menjomlo

    Bukan Mauku Menjomlo

    Kenapa, sih, wanita kalau sudah diatas 30 tahun dan belum menikah, disebut perawan tua? Tidak laku? Dan berbagai titel lainnya.Apalagi kalau hidup di kampung seperti aku? Pokoknya harus tebal kuping dengerin nyinyiran tetangga. Untung aku santuy, yee kan?Meski kadang pengen juga melepas kejombloan yang haqiqi ini. Namun apa daya, jodohnya masih otw. Jadi selain menunggu, apalagi yang bisa aku lakukan.Aku gak mungkin asal tunjuk, dan asal pilih mumpung ada yang mau, iya kan? Karena nikah itu perkara panjang yang punya banyak poin untuk dipikirkan dan dipertimbangkan. Jadi … tolong dimengerti, ya? Jomblo itu bukan aib, kok. Meski aku gak tahu sampai kapan harus menjomblo seperti ini.Aku Hasmi Azzahra. Suster cantik dan masih single di usia yang terbilang tak muda lagi. Membuatku mau tak mau harus menebalkan telinga dari nyinyiran orang-orang sekitarku. Yuk! Temani aku nyari jodoh.

  • The Label says it's Foolproof

    The Label says it's Foolproof

    Fantasy COMEDY MAGIC

    Amihan lived a very low profile life. Being the youngest of five sisters, she supposed to live in the shroud of mystery and darkness and solitude and... DING! DING! "Princess Amihan, your father, Duke Adlaw, calling you in the throne room." "Amihan, your father is very sorry." "It's okay, Duke Father, there are many ways to stop this. Accidents happened all the time. Where is he living?" "Your fiance is the Heir Apparent, Prince Bantog..." THUD! How about my peaceful life! "Princess, wake up! We found the solution!" "What? What is it? Tell me!" "This, your highness." FOOLPROOF POTION Seriously? Is this supposed to be a scam?

  • Starship System Iconoclast

    Starship System Iconoclast


    When Tala Amihan Sisson was abducted by an alien starship, she didn't expect to be taken to an entirely different universe. A universe where the magic system is far more advanced than swords and sorcery. Finding herself at the edge of an unknown galaxy, Tala will need to use her wits and determination to level up both herself and her companion, the mysterious starship Vector Free, a one-of-a-kind vessel created by the humans of her new universe. But where is humanity? Why does Tala's presence inspire so much fear and hatred? And why are there so many governments, corporations, and bounty hunters after her ship? If one thing is certain though, Tala isn't about to give up her ship without a fight.

  • How To End Your World

    How To End Your World


    What happens when you give someone who hates everything power? You think he’ll help others who are in similar situations like him?HELL NO! You get a protagonist who stays 3 steps ahead and aims for absolute domination!“A meditation technique allowing me to be on par with a god? I was just lucky I had such a great affinity for this shit!”His laughter boomed across the galaxy! The trillions of beings that existed feared him, the women desired him, and the strong continued stalking him. They thought they had killed him, but he had actually transmigrated, what type of luck did he have?!But they have no idea.. When you blend luck, determination and hatred together, you get what you want!And that’s what happened with Amihan, all the way back in earth.… “This is it.. The Garden of Eden” In front of the man stood a swirling purple portal deep within the amazon rainforest. He dropped the gun that was strapped to his back and his backpack and began to form a light layer of energy around his body to brace himself for what awaited him on the other side of the portal. How and why did this man search for the Garden of Eden? To destroy the Tree of Life and gain a second chance at life in another world! Even if it meant his world would be destroyed a lot sooner then attended.. But was it really that simple?

  • Ethereal Love: A Heavenly Battle for the Heart

    Ethereal Love: A Heavenly Battle for the Heart


    Michael, a fierce archangel from a distant realm, is sent to the Philippines by the powerful deity Bathala to protect Sophia, a human girl with a destiny that will shape the fate of the world. Michael finds himself captivated by Sophia's beauty and grace, and a forbidden love blossoms between them. But their love is tested when Sophia is possessed by the Dark Empress, an ancient entity determined to bring destruction and chaos to the world. To save Sophia and the world from the Dark Empress, Michael must venture into the unknown and call upon the help of legendary creatures from Philippine folklore, including the powerful amihan, a bird spirit that controls the winds, the enigmatic sirena, a mermaid that can manipulate water, and the mighty Bernardo Carpio, a warrior who can move mountains. As Michael battles against the forces of darkness, he also grapples with his own inner demons, including the guilt he feels for the death of his former lover, an angel who was killed by the Dark Empress. He struggles to reconcile his love for Sophia with his duty to protect humanity, all while facing treacherous adversaries, such as the mangkukulam, witches who can cast spells on unsuspecting victims, and the tikbalang, half-man, half-horse creatures that lure travelers off course. In a world where mysticism and magic collide, Michael and Sophia must face the ultimate test of their love, battling against evil and fighting for the greater good. Will they be able to overcome the obstacles thrown their way, or will they be forced to make a sacrifice that will change their lives forever? With its unique blend of action, romance, and Philippine folklore, this novel takes readers on a thrilling adventure that will keep them on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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